
英语单词accoutrements 英[əˈku:trəmənts]n.设备;(个人的全套)衣服;(个人佩带的)饰品;常规;穿着,配备( accoutrement的名词复数 )
双语例句同反义词1 . I loved stationery and all the accoutrements of writing.我喜爱信笺信封和所有文房用具 。
2 . She seemed so experienced and self - reliant in her tinsel helmet and military accoutrements .她戴着金箔头盔,佩着士兵装备,看上去经验丰富,信心十足.
来自英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
3 . It didn't take long for other accoutrements of trash culture to surface.过后不久,其它形式的文化垃圾也纷纷粉墨登场.
4 . The soldier was checking his accoutrements when he heard the gun shoot.听到枪响时,这个士兵正在检查他的装备.
5 . Mr Obama now has all the accoutrements of a president - in - waiting.奥巴马已经为接任总统做好了准备.
同义词fittinghardwarefurniture网络释义-accoutrements 1 . 军人的配备
accoutrement 穿着accoutrements军人的配备Accra 阿克拉
2 . 随身装备
(II)随身装备(Accoutrements) 部门(Department)随身装备(Accoutrements)所用物料(MaterialUsed)生产地(PlaceofOrigin)
3 . 装备的任务
designing Fett's signature helmet , armor , and accoutrementsfell primarily to Joe Johnston , who worked in tandem with Ralph McQuarrie to come up with the bounty hunter's distinctive look .设计费特标志性头盔、护甲和装备的任务主要落到了乔·约翰斯顿身上,他与拉尔夫·麦夸里联手构思这个赏金猎人与众不同的外表 。
相关词条+his accoutrements1 . 他的装备
【accoutrements是什么意思_accoutrements翻译英文怎么读】The soldier was checking his accoutrements when he heard the gun shot ., 听到枪响时 , 这个士兵正在检查他的装备.
+and accoutrement1 . 和装备
as the time admit of cashiering such dissidents , Stephen Butler was only advised in a friendly way to give up his horse and accoutrement .由于时间上来不及把这个心怀二志的人解雇,只好友善地劝告斯蒂芬巴特勒放弃他的马匹和装备 。
+and accoutrements1 . 及装备
the above-said member has already returned all items of CAS uniform and accoutrements or compensated CASHQitems .上述队员已按规定交还所有民安队制服及装备或照价赔偿与民安队 。