我和我的故事英语演讲稿怎么写?( 二 )

During the time when I learn English, I understand a point clearly that is “Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can. There will always come a time you will be grateful you did.” We should always in siston what we are seeking. I wouldn’t give up learning English. Thanks for your listening.


"A river billowing, breeze blows on both sides......" Whenever I sang the song"my
motherland and I", there is a kind of inexplicable excitement brimming with my heart.Actually, our motherland is standing in the east of the world with a new gesture.Looking back and forward,I am always choked up with emotions by our great motherland.
Poeing five thousand years of civilization history,our motherland,She have invented the first piece of paper in the world, but signed on it with countle unfair treaty;She created the first compa,but let her children wander in the dark for thousands of years; She studyed out the world first pinch of gunpowder, but let the invaders desdroy the Great Wall of ancient with the same invention...we can’t forget the humiliation history so far.
In every period of history,the rise and fall of the motherland always affects our heart
deeply.Countle ancient Chinese with lofty idears dedicate their youth and even life to develop the bright future of our motherland.The great scientist qian xuesen was famous for beingthe chairman of American air force sceintific group in early 1940s,but never did he forget his poor and backward motherland.He often talked to his friends”I am a Chinese,and my career is in China,my achievement is in china,my home is in china.”It is because there being such a number of heroes shouting”I am a Chinese “,loudly singing “with our flesh and blood build up our new great Wall” marching forward courageously can our nation be capable of paing the ordeal of infernal fire,raising strong head,and finally being a newborn country.
The great Chinese nation marches forward continuously with Mao Zedong’s thought,Deng Xiaoping\\'s the one country two systems, Jiang Zemin \\'s Three Representatives.The return of Hongkong in July 1, 1997 has wiped out the Chinese nation\\'s hundred years of humiliation.In December 20, 1999 the Chinese government has resumed the exercise of sovereignty over Macao.One more children has returned to the motherland! And such had established another important motherland’s reunification milepost.
Looking to the future, looking at the new century’s style.The world is developing,our motherland is taking off! Motherland iued her voice of justice once again on the UN Security Council,She became the meenger of peace in the African jungle, How many people there are to stick to and defend her!
Our national anthem is echoing at the Olympic Games memorial, our national flag is flapping on the South Pole,How many people there are to be proud!
Our ancient civilizations sends out the radiant light once again!