五年级暑假英语作文带翻译怎么写?( 四 )


又一个期待的暑假来了,暑假生活真是多彩啊!刚开始几天,我真是快乐自由的不得了 。没有每天必做的作业的约束,那感觉就是好 。
Another summer vacation is coming. Summer life is really colorful! In the first few days, I am really happy and free. There is no restriction of homework that must be done every day, so it feels good.
我可是彻底玩了好几天,白天我可以任意时段休息,也可能随时出去进行喜爱的活动 。晚上看看电视,逛逛街,然后无忧无虑的呼呼大睡 。到了早晨时,除了偶尔本能紧张地跳起来开、看迟到没有外,一般都还依恋在梦乡里 。
I have been playing for several days. During the day, I can rest at any time, or go out for my favorite activities at any time. In the evening, watch TV, go shopping, and then go to sleep carefree. In the morning, in addition to occasionally jumping up nervously to see if you are late, you are still attached to dreamland.
之后,我又过了十天充实而有意义的夏令营 。然而十多天后,我不知怎么的想起了同学老师 。在家待着感到有些无聊、乏味 。我拍拍自己脑袋,真是讨贱啊!读书时苦苦盼望着假期 。啊,好不容易等到了,却又想上学了,我自己都琢磨不透 。
After that, I had another ten days of full and meaningful summer camp. However, more than ten days later, I somehow think of my classmates and teachers. It's a bit boring to stay at home. I pat myself on the head. I'm really cheap! I'm looking forward to my vacation when I study. Ah, it's hard to wait, but I want to go to school again. I can't figure it out myself.
到了八月份下半月,什么快乐、无聊都谈不上了 。心里只想着赶作业,刷刷刷,我趴着奋笔疾书的身影随处可见 。什么做客、购物、打球,拒绝率百分之九十九 。于是脑子、胳膊已高速运动了十几天,现在仍在努力中 。
In the second half of August, there was no happiness or boredom. In my heart, I just want to rush through my homework and brush. I can see everywhere I lie on my stomach and write fast. The rejection rate of what to do as a guest, shopping or playing is 99%. So the brain and arms have been moving at high speed for more than ten days, and they are still working hard.
Summer vacation is over again. I can see my classmates again


Today, let me talk about my dream!
早晨,窗外还下着蒙蒙细雨,我突然从床上起来,我记得我做了个梦 。我梦见:我抱着一条很顽皮的、白色的细毛小狗,我给它取了个名字叫“卢拉” 。它正在添我的'脑袋,我还摸了摸它,它就消失的无影无踪,我想再看看这条小狗,可是已经来不及了,我醒了,哈哈!