
英语单词acetone 英[ˈæsɪtəʊn]美[ˈæsɪtoʊn]n.丙酮
双语例句更多资料 1 . After some initial problems, acetone was successfully produced in quantity.解决了最初的一些问题之后,终于成功地制造出了大量丙酮 。
2 . One might expect azomethane to have a Y structure similar to that of acetone ( CH 3 ) 2 CO.可以预期偶氮甲烷分子具有和丙酮 ( CH3 ) 2CO分子相似的丫形结构.
3 . As the rubber droplets lose the acetone solvent, they become tacky and agglomerate.当橡胶滴失去丙酮溶液后, 变成粘的,聚集态的.
4 . The freshly abraded specimen must then be washed in industrial spirit and Analar acetone .然后,研磨好的新鲜试样必须在工业酒精及纯丙酮中洗涤.
5 . The process for renovating acetone stripper system is described.介绍了丙酮汽提塔系统的工艺改造过程.
语源 mid 19th cent.: from acetic acid + -one行业释义网络释义医学1.丙酮:CH3COCH3,无色带醚样芳香的易燃液体,系常用溶剂和糖尿病性酮酸中毒时产生的酮体之一
-acetone 1 . 丙醇
北京外国语大学·北外诺加国际教育-温州分校学习论坛... ... Oxalic acid 草酸 Acetone 丙醇 adhered 粘贴.
2 . 影响皮
烟中有害物质有哪些 ... Acetone - 丙酮: 影响皮, 影响口腔, 影响肾脏, 影响肝脏, 神经损伤和先天缺陷 。Aluminium - 铝: 可引至接触性皮炎;也和阿兹海默症有关. Ammonia - 氨/阿摩尼亚: 损害肺泡.
3 . 丙酮的
a small quantity of acetonein feed material is advantageous to the increase of the catalyst activity , selectivity of MIBK and DIBK , but excess acetonewill make against the synthesis reaction process .反应物相中少量丙酮的存在有利于催化剂活性、MIBK和DIBK选择性的提高,但过量丙酮的存在对合成反应不
4 . 丙铜
意外防止条例 accident prevention regulations丙铜 acetone乙炔 acetylene
相关词条+acetone cyanhydrin1 . 丙酮合氰化氢
acetone chloroform 三氯叔丁醇acetone cyanhydrin 丙酮合氰化氢acetone dicarboxylic acid 丙酮二羧酸
+acetone chloroform1 . 三氯叔丁醇
acetone butanol fermentation 丙酮丁醇发酵acetone chloroform 三氯叔丁醇acetone cyanhydrin 丙酮合氰化氢
+acetonic acid1 . 醋酮酸
acetone sugar 丙酮糖acetonic acid 醋酮酸acetonitrile 乙腈