我的家乡初中作文怎么写?( 二 )

夜幕降临,邵阳一位“主角”璀璨登场,用五彩斑斓的灯光把邵阳城区装扮得绚丽多姿、流光溢彩,它就是西湖桥 。冬天的西湖桥就像是屹立在资江两岸的新妆丽人,光彩夺目;春天的西湖桥更如阳光少女般,散发着青春的活力 。
除了宏伟的西湖桥,还有一个生机盎然的景点——生态园 。生态园,走进一看,到处都是生机勃勃的景象:小树苗迎着太阳卯足了劲往上长;大树们一个个高昂着头,像一位位蓄势待发的战士;旁边的小草则像绅士一般弯着腰向路人行礼……一切是那么的宁静和谐 。
除了风景美,邵阳的特产——猪血丸子也是一大亮点:首先要准备猪血、油、盐、水豆腐和猪肉;其次,先将豆腐用手捏碎,再将猪肉剁成肉泥;然后把豆腐泥和猪肉泥放进一个大盆子里,放适量的油和盐,反复地揉、捏;最后捏成一个个半圆形的“蘑菇”,轻轻拍几下,晒几天,再放入烘炉里熏 。一段时间后,美味的猪血丸子就出炉啦!吃的时候将猪血丸子切片一蒸,或一炒,香味扑鼻,让你口水“直流三千尺”,吃了久久难以忘怀它的口味 。


In the south of Sha’an Xi, there is a small city---Shang Luo.I was born here.Today, I will tell you something about my hometown.My hometown is a beautiful city.On each of the roads,there are some big trees and nice flowers.The roads are also very clean.There are lots of mountains in my hometown.Most of us live in villages.We like to live in villages because we can live closer to the nature.The air here is very fresh, the mountains here is green, the sky here is very blue, especially when it rained.They make people happy and comfortable.It’s a nice place to live.Welcome to my hometown.
My Family I have a happy family.There are five people in my family, they are my grandparents, my parents and me.My grandparents live inthe countryside.They have sixteen goats and three cows.The goat is white.The cow is yellow.They are healthy.My parents and me live in city.My father is a worker.His work is hard.My mother is a Chinese teacher,She take bike to go to work at seven o\\'clock.In the afternoon,she doesn\\'t go home.In the evening,she make supper.The food is delicious.I am a student.I have Chinese, math and English everyday.That is boring.I have many friends.After cla,I usually play with my friends.We are tried,but we are very happy.I love my family.


谈起“蓝天碧海,红瓦绿树”大家一定会不约而同的想起一座独具特色的海滨城市—青岛 。
青岛依山傍海,风光秀丽,气候宜人 。它以它那得天独厚的地理、环境,给每一个来过青岛的人留下了深刻的印象 。偌大的汇宾广场,郁郁葱葱的青岛植物园、迷人的八大关、古香古色的劈柴院、热情的青岛人民……等等都给来过此地旅行的人们在脑海中留下了不可磨灭的印记 。