
Ⅰ. 单项选择 。
1. -Don’t ______late dear. It’s bad for your health.
-I know, mum, but I have to finish today’s homework.
A. stay in B. stay out C. stay away D. stay up
2. We look on our students ______our sons and daughters.
A. as B. like C. to D. look like
3. This is a _______job, I feel ______ of it.
A. tired, tired B. tiring, tired C. tired, tiring D. tiring, tiring
4. It was ______ delicious, they ate too much.
A. real B. really C. much D. any
5. She was_______ afraid ______ she cried.
A. too, to B. so, that C. such, that D. to, too
6. I found a girl ________ on the road last night.
 A. crying B. cries C. to cry D. cried
7. My father often helps me ________ English.
 A. lear百思特网ning B. learn C. learns D. learned
8. At last, they decided ______ you with the work.
 A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped
9. The delicious food made me feel _____.
A. hunger B. hungry C. safe D. safety
10. My father spent half an hour _______ the work yesterday.
A. finish B. to finish C. finishing D. finished
11. There _____ not any milk in the bottle just now, but now it is full.
A. was B. were C. are D. is
12. —Were you born in 1992?
—Yes, I __________.
A. am B. were C. was D. are
13. -________ was your weekend? -It was great.
A. How B. What C. Where D. When
14. —How ______ your weekend?
—It ______ great . But I ______ tired now
A. was, was, am B. is , was, was C. is, is , am D. is, is , was
15. I think everyone ______ their weekends.
A. enjoy B. enjoys C. like D. liking
1. —Is your mother a teacher? (2015 湖北武汉中考)
—Yes, she is. She _________ at a junior high school.
A. taught B. teaches C. will teach D. is teaching
2. We are going on holiday in the _______ week of July.(2015 吉林省中考)
A. two B. twice C. second
3. Bob is taking the desks away because they ______ too much room. (2015 天津中考)
A. stand up B. pick up C. take up D. listen up
Ⅱ. 完形填空 。
A well-dressed man goes  l a restaurant a day. He sits down at a table near the window.
A waiter comes up to  2 and says, “Can I help you, sir?” The man says, “Can I see the menu?” “Certainly.”The man wants a good meal. He wants a lot of nice 3 . The waiter gets them for him. The man is having his  4 . At that time a boy comes in and sits down beside the man. He asks the  5 to give him an ice cream. The man does so. Now the boy is eating his ice cream. The man is saying, “I go out  6 a newspaper.” Then he goes out. After the boy eats his ice cream up. The boy 7 and goes to the door. “ 8 , your father hasn’t given the money for the meal and your ice cream. ” The waiter stops him and says.
“Father ? You’re  9  .He isn’t my father. I don’t  10 him. I meet him in the street. He says he will give me an ice cream if I come here at twelve o'clock. ”
1. A. in B. out C. into D. onto
2. A. him B. it C. his D. them
3. A. dish B. dishes C. plates D. bowls
4. A. cakes B. drink C. supper D. meal
5. A. man B. father C. waiter D. boy
6. A. with B .for C. to D .at
7. A. sits down B. gets up C. stands up D. comes down
8. A. Excuse me B .Sorry C. Hello D. Hi
9. A. good B. right C. well D. wrong
10. A. like B. know C. help D. ask
III. 阅读理解 。
In the morning,Mr. Smith came into the garden at the back of his house.He saw too much
snow in the garden.Mr. Smith wanted to take his car out,so he asked a man to clean the road from
his garage(车库)to the gate.He said to the man,“Don’t throw any snow on the flowers and don’t
throw any on the wall.And don’t throw any into the street,or the policeman will come.”Then
he went out.
When he came back,the road was clean.There was no snow on the flowers,on the wall or
In the street.But when he opened the garage to get his car out,he saw it was full of snow,the
snow from the path;and his car was under the snow!
根据短文内容填空 。
1.Mr. Smith saw ________ ________ snow in the________.
2.Mr. Smith wanted to ________ the ________ out of the garage.
3.He told the man not to ________ the snow on the flowers,on the wall,________ into the street.
4.The road was ________ but the garage was ________ of snow.
5.Mr. Smith was ________ to see his car ________ the snow.
Mr. Brown is an old man. Every morning he goes for a walk in the park. And he comes home
at twelve thirty for his lunch in the middle(中间) of the day.
But today a car stops at his house at twelve o’clock. Two policemen(警察) help him get out.