
无论在学习、工作或是生活中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段 。如何写一篇有思想、有文采的作文呢?以下是小编收集整理的网上找工作的弊端英语作文,欢迎大家分享 。
As more and more companies tend to post vacant position online rather than go to the job fair, most people also prefer to find jobs through Internet. Some people think that it is very convenient for them to find jobs because they can check the basic information of a certain company any time they want. Some argue that it is not so good for them to find jobs online because there are also some people will take advantage of them by getting job seekers’ information. In my opinion, I’m convinced that the disadvantages weigh too much than the advantages. Reasons are as follows.
越来越多的公司倾向于在网上发布招聘信息,而不选择到招聘会去 。因此,求职者也更愿意选择从网上找工作 。一些人认为网上找工作很方便,因为他们可以随时查阅公司的基本信息 。一些人认为网上找工作并不好,因为网上一些不坏好意的人会利用他们的信息做坏事 。就我看来,我认为网上找工作弊大于利 。原因如下:
First and foremost, some people will take advantages by stealing your personal information. With the high development of Internet, some kinds of cyber CRIme emerge. Those offenders often steal victim’s information through Internet and then commit a CRIme.
首先,一些人会窃取你的个人信息做坏事 。随着网络的快速发展,出现了一些网络犯罪 。那些作案者通常会通过网络窃取受害者的信息然后作案 。
Secondly, you maybe cheated by the fake information on the Internet. It happens quite often that some job seekers receive some calls to invite them to have an interview. But when they get to the appointed place, they find that it is not the same company as posted online.
其次,你可能会被网络上的虚假信息欺骗 。有很多的求职者会接到一些邀请他们面试的电话 。但是当求职者到达约定的'地点,他们会发现面试的公司与网上的写的公司并不相同 。这种情况时有发生 。
In conclusion, through the analysis above, I don’t think it is wise for us to find jobs online not only because your personal information will be stolen, but you will be cheated.
总是,通过以上的分析,我认为在网上找工作并不明智,不仅仅是因为你的私人信息会被盗,另外你也可能会上当受骗 。


很多HR在面试的时候发现,留学生的外语水平并没有期望的那么高,这是因为很多留学生已到了外国就开始到华人圈里面扎堆,而留学生在国外越扎堆,圈子便会越封闭,成功融入当地社会的难度便会越高,社会化失败的极端案例也会越高 。