
大家都知道花很美,但谁知道花还有另一种美;当我们看到路边的三色紫罗兰都会用手摘下它,可它不但没有生气,却把香气留给我们——这叫宽恕 。
我天天生活在抱怨中 。我们和朋友吵架时会抱怨;朋友不小心绊我一下我会生气;老师作业留的太多我会抱怨;妈妈太唠叨我会抱怨 。
原来,我总是抱怨老师留的作业太多,心理想着:哎,这么多作业什么时候才能写完啊!我还想玩呢,可现在哪还有时间玩呀!我时不时抬起头,发现5分钟过去了,不一会,又抬起头,10分钟过去了,再看看这密密麻麻的小字,可真让我头疼,就这样过了一个小时,可我的作业还没写完,两个小时过去了,紧接着三个小时过去了,我的作业终于写完了,可天已经漆黑一片了,无奈的被妈妈的唠叨赶回屋里被迫睡觉 。我抱怨着:都是因为学习,它把我的.娱乐时间都挤没了,还没看上电视就睡觉了 。有一次妈妈告诉我换种心态去写作业,想快点写完作业就可以完了,还会受到妈妈的表扬,可能还会有惊喜 。渐渐的,我发现写作业快了,因为我心里一直想着开心的事情,我玩的时间多了,也受到很多的表扬和惊喜 。
我发现,宽恕别人等于宽恕自己!生活是如此的美好 。


【宽恕_作文450字怎么写?】Form victim’s aspect, forgiving the criminals is also a way of self-treatment.If victims and victim’s family members held a grudge against the criminals, they can’t forget the hurt as result of criminals’ mistakes.The wound in their body may be cured but the wound in their heart, in their mind and in their soul cannot be healed.The life of victims are no longer happy or beautiful, instead, it full of pain and hatred.What’s worse, some victims answer blows with blows, resort to violence and cause another tragedy.Take Bud Welch for example, his 23-year-old daughter was killed in the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in 1995, at the beginning, he didn’t forgive the killer, he cannot deal with the pain of daughter’s death and started self-medicating with alcohol, and he even want the killer to fry.He was living in the hatred at that time.After he met with killer’s father and sister and talked to them, he came to recognized they also suffered pain.He found it in his heart he has forgiven the killer and it was also a release for himself.The dead had past, the mistakes had existed, injury had occurred, we cannot avoid it, but face it.Life goes on, we should not let hatred and pain destroy our lives.In some degree, forgivene is not only save others but also save ourselves.