汤姆索亚历险记读书心得怎么写?( 二 )

这本书的主人公汤姆活泼调皮,经常逃学打架 。他不喜欢受约束,一心想当绿林好汉,过流浪生活 。同时,他聪明善良,富有正义感,不仅勇敢地站出来揭露了坏人的罪行,还运用了自己的聪明才智使自己和好友脱离了险境 。
汤姆·索亚是多么勇敢啊,他的精神时时刻刻激励着我 。记得有一次,天气寒冷无比,河面上结着厚厚的冰,大地上茫茫一片都是白雪,像盖上了一层厚厚的棉被 。早上,东方还没有露出鱼肚白,妈妈便催促我赶快起床锻炼 。我伸了伸懒腰,看到天色还早,便赖在床上死活不肯起来 。妈妈硬逼着我穿好衣服,拖着我走出门外,我只好跟着妈妈一起跑步 。天上下着鹅毛大雪,刺骨的寒风“呼呼”作响,只往我脖子里钻 。我的脸冻得通红通红,像熟透了的苹果,手冻得直发抖,只能用力地搓着 。虽然天气寒冷,但我还是冒着风雪跑步 。突然,我没有注意到脚下有一块石头,“扑通”一声被它绊倒了 。胳膊肘上渗着血,顺着手一直滴到了白雪上,我疼痛难忍,不禁“哇哇”大叫,泪水不知不觉就流了下来 。我斩钉截铁地说:“我不跑了,我再也不跑了!”妈妈听到后,严肃地说:“难道你没把《汤姆·索亚历险记》这本书彻底‘消化’吗?书中的汤姆是那么坚强,是那么勇敢,可你为什么遇到这一点小挫折就退缩呢?”我听了,汤姆的形象又浮现在我眼前,对,我该做一个坚强的男子汉!汤姆遇到了那么多困难,还毫不在乎,相比之下,我这点痛算得了什么?我咬咬牙,从地上坚强地站了起来,继续锻炼了……
每当遇到困难想退缩时,每当受到挫折想落泪时,我就想起汤姆·索亚那高大的身影 。从汤姆·索亚身上,我读懂了坚强不屈的精神是人类宝贵的财富,我们应该向汤姆·索亚学习:面对困难,不要悲观退缩,要勇往直前,去战胜它 。我们必须将这种精神继续发扬光大 。


A Review of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
一.TitleThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer
二.AuthorMark Twain
三.PublisherShanghai Translation Publishing House
四.Publish Date1876
the background of the novel happened in a townlet named Petersburg in America.Tom\\'s parents died when he was very young, so Tom was adopted by his Polly aunt.Tom was very smart and naughty, he couldn\\'t stand his aunt and teachers\\' control, often played truant and got into trouble.
One day late at night, Tom and his good friend Huckleberry went to the graveyard to play, accidentally, they witneed a murder case.Because that they scared that the murderer found they knew the thing, so Tom, Huckleberry and their another friend fled to a desert island, start with the "pirates".Their family thought that they had drowned, were very sad.However, they appeared on the funeral at last.After the vehement ideological struggle, Tom finally gathered the courage to stand up and said that Indian Joe was the murderer.