汤姆索亚历险记读书心得怎么写?( 三 )

Before long, in a picnic activity, Tom and Becky lost themselves in a cave, when faced with the life danger, on the one hand, Tom tried his best to comfort Becky, on the other hand, he looked for a way out actively.Though his efforts, Tom not only found the exit, but also found the treasure which buried in the cave.At last, Tom became the young hero in the town.
The novel describes that in Miippi riverside, the life of the people in a small town in nineteenth century, can be said that the novel is a epitome of American society.
From the novel, we can learn that the poor and the rich, churches and schools, religion and crime, all the aspects of American life at that time.
The protagonist of the novel Tom Sawyer is a very smart, lively, full of fantasy and justice boy.The novel according to his adventures as a clue, criticizes that American vulgar social customs, hypocritical ritual and rigid school education.
The novel also extols that Tom Sawyer and his friends\\' native and honest spirit, lashs that the person who like Indian Joe\\'s greed and cruelne.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer with its strong local characteristics of great humor and the keen observation to the person, became the greatest children\\'s literary works, and it is also an country melody in golden age of the United States.


压抑的太久,让我们来为有人实现梦想中的'自由而欢呼雀跃 。
我们是孩子 。想象是我们亲密的伙伴,梦境是我们达成心愿的一条捷径 。
是的,马克·吐温先生笔下的小机灵 。全世界少年儿童的伙伴 。
马克·吐温是世界文明的小说家,他擅长将现实主义的刻画和浪漫主义的抒情和谐地统一,因此他的作品被世人认为是美国文学史上的一大里程碑 。
而《汤姆·索亚历险记》的主人翁汤姆是个有理想有抱负也有烦恼的男孩,在马克·吐温的笔下汤姆以其栩栩如生的顽童形象,给我们留下了深深的印象 。它描写的是以汤姆为首的一群孩童天真浪漫的美国生活 。为了摆脱枯燥无味的功课、虚伪的教条和呆板的生活环境,他们作了种种冒险来改变自身的环境 。
汤姆的父母早年就去世了,寄养在姨妈家里,在姨妈眼里,他是个捣蛋将军,而自己却又情不自禁地喜欢这个孩子 。汤姆本人则是一个天真活泼又调皮的典型美国少年,在他身上我们看到了自己想要的影子:聪明、勇敢、正直、乐观 。在那个年代,汤姆有一点叛逆,有一个梦想就是去当绿林好汉 。在他们的头脑里,强盗就是劫富济贫的英雄好汉 。“西班牙海上黑衣大盗”,“血手魔王”,“海上霸王”,这都是孩子们向往的头衔 。在此次冒险中,他们完成了自己的心愿,而汤姆成了这三个离家出走的孩子的领袖 。逃到荒岛后,人们以为他们淹死了,正在为他们举行丧礼时,他们却回来参加自己的丧礼了 。