月下随想作文650字范文有没有?( 二 )

月 , 似水 , 撒下如水的青霜 。


2011年6月四级考试终于结束 , 作文是热门话题 , Online Shopping , 我教的学生应该很高兴 , 作文全为我讲过的公式 , 句型 。在几个班上我也直接说过原文章题目 , 证书热 , 现把范文附在下面 , 供学员查看
【月下随想作文650字范文有没有?】Online Shopping
2.网上购物有很多好处 , 但也有不少问题
Currently, a shocking number of people enjoy shopping online.According to a report from yesterday’s newspaper, about 45.8% office employees have the habit of online shopping and more than 12% show their interest in it more than shopping in the supermarket, especially for thegirl.The report also predicts that the trend like this will undoubtedly continue in the years to come.
that it is unquestionably beneficial for them to shop online.In their eyes, shopping online can save them much time as well as much money.However, some others claim it is a harmful for them to shop online.According to them, the quality of the goods online is usually inferior to the ones in the supermarket.
From my perspective, I suggest(insist) that it should be definitely a online shopping.For one thing, the government should make strict rules to punish the inferior online shopping with no exception.For another, the news media should try every means to make us be conscious of the negative effects of terrible service of the online shopping.I firmly believe, it is the best and most suitable choice for us, the college students, to shopping in the real world instead of shopping online(点题).