合作六年级作文怎么写?( 五 )

通过这次合作,让我意识到团队合作是有多么重要,合作就是互相信任、互相帮助,合作的人是一个整体,每个人都可以找到属于自己的位置,团队中的人缺一不可,每一个人都很重要,少了一个人会影响一个整体 。


The impact of the Internet on Interpersonal CommunicationThe drawing vividly depicts a scene that a father asks his daughter how was her school today.The daughter replies that he can learn it from her blog, which seemingly cannot be a satisfying answer to the father’s question.
What is conveyed in the drawing is that the Internet decreases the chance people communicate with each other in spite of its numerous merits.This kind of social phenomenon is not entirely a coincidence.Due to the rapid development of the Internet, we spend so much time surfing on the Internet that our ability to
communicate with others is degenerating.The Internet, which makes is common to be seen that people in the subway are immersed in playing mobile phones or tablets, has estranged people from their colleagues, friends, even families.Measures should be taken to deter the increasingly severe phenomenon.First and foremost, we have to realize that daily communication is irreplaceable.What’s more, we are supposed to communicate with others proactively to share our joy or sorrow.Last but not least, it is wise to create an environment to increase opportunities of face-to-face communication for the government.
To draw a conclusion, we cannot deny the convenience the Internet brings.
Neverthele, we should strike a balance between its pros and cons.Don’t forget the most basic communication with your intimate friends.


今天下午的美术课,陆老师让我们合作完成立体版或者平面版的壁画,不过要向上凸起来一点,可以一人最多三人一起完成 。
我和王琪、董萱合作 。我和王琪决定做平面版,可董萱偏要做立体版 。“做平面版吧!平面版较简单,在一张卡纸上帖一点餐巾纸,再帖一点色纸,不就行了嘛!立体版挺难做的,还要用什么彩带,我们可没有呀 。作平面版又比较快,再说只有两课时,要做立体版就要三课时啦!做平面版吧!”“是呀!
董萱,作平面版吧!立体版是挺难做的,时间又花费的长,材料有得用得多,得得最高分和平面版的最高分一样,都是优,我们又何必呢?”“好吧!你们说的挺有道理的,就听你们的吧 。”“耶!”我和王琪击了一下掌 。决定做平面版了,下一步就该讨论在黄卡纸上贴什么画了 。“贴三棵树,再用苏雨欣带来得毛线缠上我带来的布,变成各色各样的毛毛虫放在树上,再做一只鸟叼起一只毛毛虫,最后做几朵小花 。”“这个主意好!”我和王琪异口同声的说 。董萱先去向别的同学借了两张餐巾纸,然后将两张餐巾纸平均分成四份,我们疑惑不解地看着她,她好象看穿了我们的心思,对我们两说:“平面版要向上稍突出一点的嘛,用餐巾纸一垫,不就好看一点了吗 。”对呀!我怎么没想到呀!我拍拍脑袋 。