
在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家总少不了接触作文吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现 。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是小编帮大家整理的道德与人性作文,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助 。
我们可能都学到过,人类与其他生物最与众不同的就是人类有智慧,但是,人类的智慧也同时带来了人性的泯灭,人之初,性本善,这种良知的善良心理,是与生俱来的 。但是,这种正义与善良,却被这种高等的.“智慧”所挥洒得淋漓尽致,这怎能不是我们喟然长叹,人之所以有了智慧,也同时有了人性所邪恶的一面,可以为了那些物质上的东西所追求,所奔波,也可以不择手段 。甚至把那些东西看得比生命还要重要,把那些所谓的万能的东西看成是最宝贵的东西,这真的是智慧所造成的福音吗?这难道是智慧逐渐发展所带来的吗?
回顾原始社会,人们虽然没有智慧,但是可以一起分享,一起同甘,一起共苦,像一个大家庭一样,没有主次之分,没有君主之别 。但随着慢慢的进化,又进入了奴隶社会,便出现了私有财产 。对人类这样的同等生命,竟然想出各种残忍的手段 。就如曹植的一首诗中的“煮豆持作羹,漉豉以为汁 。萁向釜下然,豆在釜中泣 。本是同根生,相煎何太急 。”这是反映哥哥与弟弟之间为权力之间的反目之争,这部足以说明一切吗 。
希望不要在出现这种对人性的扭曲行为了,对同在一个世界的我们,和对那些有生命的动物都不要再发生这种事情了 。我们要散发人性的光辉,去感受人性的美好!


Man And His Humanity
No doubt that men were born this good.And love is the most radiant light of man’s humanity.When being born we not only would feel the family’s love, while also feeling the warmth society.So once we have grown up, we should carry back to the community.We often say that "Big Love", which means we not only love their loved ones, but also love the people around us.When they are in difficulties andneed help we should lend a helping hand in time.This should be the normal practice that a normal person in a normal society does.
By extension, as a government official he or she should always be devoted to people\\'s interests because they are weak in life and can’t solve problems by theirselves,and
helping them is not only love, but also the responsibility.As a doctor, he or she should be concerned about and sympathize with each patient because they are suffering the physical and mental torture doubly, which not only shows the love but also the duty.As a teacher, the students should be loved because they are still children who are not only growing up ,but also learning knowledge.So they should be taught how to interact with others.As a factory manager,he or she should increase