also的用法|also, too, either 用法

also的用法(also, too, either 用法)
"Also", "too", "as w百思特网ell" 及 "either" 有相同的含义,都是用来表示「也」的意思,但是使用上方式和用法都有所不同 。今天小编便帮大家整理了这几个词的用法合集整理,教教大家怎样在日常生活和写作的时候用出来!
also的用法|also, too, either 用法

适用句子﹕肯定句、较正式的用法,在写作中经常出现(for formal writing)
「Also」的用法比较特别,它会因应它在句子中的不同位置而有不同的意思,因此在使用also时便需要特别留意它的位置从而判断其意思是什么 。
放在句首﹕ 用来强调后面的句子或是加入新的主题或论点; Also后需要加上逗号 。
You will get wet at the beach. Also, you might get a sunburn.
I will call again at 4 pm after your meeting. Also, we need to set up a date to discuss the plans next quarter.
会议结束之后我会在4点打电话给你,而且我们也要定一个日期讨论下一季的运营策略 。
放在句中﹕可以接在名词及主动词中的副词(adverb),或在be动词后(be verb),将整句话连接在一起
He works very hard but he also goes to the gym every day.
他每天都很辛勤的在工作,下班还会去健身室 。
Jack is happy, and I’m also happy. (接在be动词后)
放在句末﹕用来连接两个语句;但在对话时,比较常用 as well 或 too
I called him from the office, but he didn’t pick up. He didn’t pick up his cell phone also.
(In speech: His phone was on silent mode too/as well.)
我已经打过电话给他的办公室电话了,但他没有听;也没有接听手机 。
also的用法|also, too, either 用法

Too 用法
适用句子﹕肯定句; 聊天中较常出现(for informal spoken English),放在句子最后
Can I come too?
She likes basketball. I like basketball too.
她喜欢篮球,我也喜欢篮球 。
Sara is short. Katie is short, too.
Sara很矮,Katie也是 。
He looks really tired from standing all day at the booth and he must be really hungry too
他已经在摊位旁站了一天了,一定很累很饿 。
also的用法|also, too, either 用法

As well 用法
适用句子﹕肯定句; 聊天中较常出现(for inform百思特网al spoken English),放在句子最后
Are you coming as well?
(ordering at a restaurant) I’ll have pork chops, please. And I’ll have the salmon fillet as well.
我想要一份猪排,也想要一份三文鱼片 。
不要将as well用在句前,as well会出现在句末
正确﹕ You can bring your own drink. I think everybody else did as well.

错误﹕You can bring your own drink. As well I think everybody else did.
also的用法|also, too, either 用法

Either 用法
Either 主要也是有两个用法和意思,分别是「也是」和「也可以」,
1. 当意思是「也是」时﹕百思特网放在句子最后;
She isn’t short. Her sister isn’t short either. (放在句子最后)
2. 意思是「也可以」时﹕放在选项前面,用来加入另一个否定项目,或提供不同选项或替代方案
We can eat either beef or pork. (提供不同选项或替代方案)

【also的用法|also, too, either 用法】