
夜里,象一口很大的池塘,那里长满了荷花,水草甚至莲藕 。就象爱与心的距离总是那么的丝丝连连,相思不断 。长宽就不用去想,爱就象一个层面,美丽的时候浮出,凋落的时候去想 。不论宽广还是深邃,一切都由爱替代,没有能替代的源泉,只有我声嘶力竭的相思和那动情的呼唤 。
1、慎而思之,勤而行之 。
Think carefully and work diligently.
2、健康第一,从我做起 。
Health first, start from me.
3、克服自我不服输,高考场上显本领 。
To overcome self defeat, the college entrance examination field shows the ability.
4、莫为失败找借口,多为找理由 。
Do not make excuses for failure, and find more reasons.
5、习惯决定成绩,细节决定命运 。
Habits determine achievement, and details determine fate.
6、己所不欲,勿施于人 。
Do not give to others what you do not want.
7、好习惯成就一生,坏习惯毁人前程 。
Good habits make a life, bad habits destroy the future.
8、运动起来,勇敢第一 。
Move, be brave first.
9、先做该做的事,再做喜欢的事 。
Do what you want to do first, and do what you like.
10、求真尚美,砺志笃行 。
To seek truth and beauty, and to do it.
11、耐劳求学,踏实做人 。
It is hard to study and be a solid man.
12、播种劳动,收获成功 。
Sow the work, the harvest is successful.
13、勇夺三军,所向披靡 。
The courage to win the three army and all the conquering.
14、良心无愧信心无畏,恒心无敌青春无悔 。
Conscience is clear, confidence is fearless, and perseverance is invincible.
15、山中猛虎,水中蛟龙 。
The mountain tiger, the dragon in the water.
16、勤奋学习,顽强拼搏 。
Diligent study, hard work.
17、磨练意志,强健体魄 。
Hone the will and build up the body.
18、奋发拼搏,勇敢向上 。
Fight hard and go up bravely.
19、**四射,勇于开拓 。
Passion and courage to open up.
20、风流今朝,尽在高二 。
The wind is in the top two.
21、志存高远,心系天下 。
High aspirations, heart of the world.
22、学之染人,甚于丹春 。
Learning to dye people is more than Dan spring.
23、叶落归根,爱国荣校 。
The leaf falls back to the root, the patriotic is proud of school.
24、知识改变命运,努力改变结果 。
Knowledge changes fate, and tries to change the result.
25、行胜于言,超越自我,知识启迪智慧 。
Deeds speak louder than words, knowledge exceeds wisdom.
26、努力奋进,永争第一 。
Strive to advance, always fight for the first.
27、团结文明,展现风采 。
Unite the civilization, show the elegant demeanor.
28、创最好的班级,做最好的自己 。