班级口号中文英文押韵( 二 )

Create the best class and do the best of yourself.
29、少年辛苦终身事,莫向光阴隋寸功 。
Young hard life, no time to the time.
30、学奥运精力,夺高考金牌 。
Learn the energy of the Olympic Games and take the gold medal in the college entrance examination.
31、开辟立异,争优进取 。
Open up the difference and strive for excellence.
32、孩儿立志出乡关,学不成名誓不还 。
As a child is determined to go out of a country, it is not an oath to learn.
33、刻苦求学,踏实做人 。
Study hard and be a solid man.
34、深思乐学,团结进取 。
Deep thinking, unity and enterprising.
35、业精于勤,荒于嬉;行成于思,毁于随 。
Efficiency comes from diligence., shortage in the play; achivement comes from thinking, destroyed with lacking of restraint.
36、刻苦勤奋,严格自律 。
Hard work, strict self-discipline.
37、锲而不舍,存义精思 。
Perseverance is the one that is perseverant.
38、我努力,我进步,我自信,我成功 。
I work hard, I progress, I am confident, I succeed.
39、学则智,不学则愚;学则治,不学则乱 。
Learning is wisdom, not learning is foolishness; learning is governed but not learning is chaos.
40、既然抉择了远方,便只顾风雨兼程 。
Since the choice is far away, we only take care of the rain and the rain.
41、细节决定成功,点滴铸就辉煌 。
The details are determined to be successful and the drop is brilliant.
42、同心协力,创造辉煌 。
Work together to create brilliance.
43、龙吟八洲行壮志,凤舞九天挥鸿图 。
Dragon Yin eight continents line of ambition, Feng dance nine days to swing a picture.
44、小事成就大事,细节成就完美 。
Small things make great things and details are perfect.
45、自重自负,发奋图强 。
Self weight and self-reliance are h2.
46、友谊第一,比赛第二 。
Friendship first, competition second.
47、烈火铸就真心英雄,不经历风雨怎见彩虹 。
Fire builds true heroes, but never sees rainbows without wind and rain.
48、班级兴亡,我的义务 。
The class is up and down, my duty.
49、一生之苦今日吃,三年之乐来日享 。
The bitterness of life is to eat today, and to enjoy the day of three years.
50、立志欲坚不欲锐,在久不在速 。
If you want to be determined not to be sharp, you can't be at a speed for a long time.