
When it comes to my experience in the sports, I can’t forget the scene of my running on the track.As is known to all, sport is welcomed to lots of teenagers.However, as far as myself, I will feel frightened, just like being given an injection, because sport is not my taste from the moment of my birth, which is always my pain in my heart.Something
the Physical examination.I have to meet this tough reality by myself.I remember the sky was blue and the weather was suit for running.When I stood behind the starting line, my legs could not help shaking.What made me feel worse was that other students were seemed to be confident.I could even image the scene that they cheered for ranking first but I was still running and running and on one noticed me when I finished the running except for the teacher because he had to record my grades.When I saw a bird in the sky, this scene that I was running alone before the exam was overcome by my feelings to emerge in my mind.Little people knew that how much effect I pay behind.After all, I had tried my best to prepare for this exam and I would not regret for myself, which was the most significant thing, not the result.I inhaled deeply and told me that I was the winner no matter what was the result.When I think about that, I can’t help smiling.
Therefore, when the race began, my legs were not shaking anymore, I was not worried about how others thought about me anymore, and I was not unconfident of myself anymore.
Whatever the result, I am proud of my insisting on running before that day, which is the only thing that I can remember nowadays.
在星期五的最后一节课 , 老师跟我们说 , 学校要组织一次跑步比赛 , 我乐的一下蹦了八尺高啊 。
比赛开始了 , 5年级的体育老师先教我们热身运动 。做完后 。比赛开始了 。
6年级1 , 2 , 3 , 4班开始了 , “男生队先来 , 比赛开始”校长威严的说 。
比赛开始了 , 我的嗓子都喊哑了 , 还是不能表现我的激情 。6年级女生队上场了 , 里面还有我的姐姐 。最后6年级3班男生队第一名 , 2班女生队赢 。
该5年级上场了 , 比赛结果是5年级3班女生队赢 , 男生队4班赢 。
眨眼就到我们4年级了 。男生队先来 , 我们疯狂的叫着 , 虽然我们得了第2名 , 但我们还是没有不开心 。到我们女生队上场了 。因为我紧张 , 所以老师让我排在最后 。一个接一个的开跑了 , 转眼就到我了 。体育老师挥了挥旗子 , 我便开跑了 , 因为跑得太快 , 所以土撒在了我的脚和接力棒上 , 我急忙拿起棒 , 向终点奔去 。我们班的人欢呼着 , 以为我们是第一名 , 可是却是第2名 。