



本课主要复习第12课、第36课和第60课出现的一般将来时的用法 。
其中,重点需要掌握的是时间和条件状语从句的中百思特网的“主将从现”的用法,即主句动作采用一般将来时,从句动作采用一般现在时,但这个从句的动作是发生在将来的动作 。如:

When it clears up, we will go out for a picnic.
If he comes here tomorrow, we will leave as scheduled.

本课的难点部分出现了形式宾语it的用法 。
在英语中,有时宾语会比后面的成分要长得多,导致整个句子头重脚轻,于是就采用形式宾语it,来替代逻辑宾语(即真正的宾语)的位置,而把百思特网逻辑宾语放到句末 。如:

He thought it easy to pass the test. (句子的逻辑宾语是to pass the test)
I feel it right that he should be punished. (句子的逻辑宾语是that he should be punished)

三、课文主要语言点Busmen have decided to go on strike next week. The strike is due to begin on Tuesday.
1)go on strike,罢工 。2)due,到期;开始 。注意due经常与介词to连用,表示“由于;因为” 。
No one knows how long it will last. The busmen have stated that the strike will continue until general agreement is reached about pay and working conditions.
1)last,用作动词,表“持续” 。2)state,声明、宣称 。3)general agreement,一致协议 。agreement,协议 。4)reach an agreement,达成一致 。5)working condtion,工作条件 。
Most people believe that the strike will last for at least a week.
1)believe,认为 。相当于think 。2)at least,至少 。
Many owners of private cars are going to offer 'free rides' to people on their way to work. This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent.
1)owner,主人、拥有者 。2)a private car,私家车 。3)offer free ride to sb.,给某人提供免费搭车 。4)on one's way to work,在上班的路上 。
5)relieve,减轻、放松 。其名词为relief 。
6)pressure,压力 。源自动词press(按;压) 。7)to some extent,在某种程度上 。注意extent表程度,还有一个常用短语表达为:to a large extent,在很大程度上 。
Meanwhile, a number of university students have volunteered to drive buses while the strike lasts.
1)meanwhile,与此同时 。2)a number of,许多、大量 。3)university students,大学生 。也可以表达为:college students 。4)volunteer to do,志愿做某事 。
All the students are expert drivers, but before they drive any of the buses, they will have to pass a special test. The students are going to take the test in two days' time.
1)expert,熟练的、内行的 。2)pass a special test,通过专门的测试 。
3)in two days' time,两天后 。其句子的谓语动词一般都要采用一般将来时will do的用法 。


Even so, people are going to find it difficult to get to work. But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in letters to the Press. Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast!
1)even so,即便如此、即使这样 。
2)it用作形式宾语,指代后面的逻辑宾语to get to work 。3)get to work,上班 。4)so far,迄今为止 。5)express one's gratitude,表达感谢 。6)the Pr百思特网ess,新闻媒体 。7)object,反对 。常见的介词搭配是to,即object to(反对) 。节从句时,省略介词to 。

四、课文摘要Because of the busmen's strike, which begins on Tuesday and may last a week, private car owners have offered to give rides to people going to work. University students who have volunteered to drive buses will have to pass a special test. Although it will be difficult to get to work, the public still appreciate the students’ help, except for a few people objecting that the students will drive too fast.

2009年1月29日,大约250万法国人在全国约200个地区举行罢工,要求法国政府在经济危机中为保护工人利益做出更多努力 。这是法国“20年来规模最大的工人集会” 。这次罢工正是法国民众在失业、养老、社会保险等问题上不满情绪的一次总爆发 。