经典爱情电影推荐|推荐5部经典爱情电影陪你过七夕( 二 )

Love in a Puff
Love in a Puff is a 2010 Hong Kong romantic comedy directed by Pang Ho-cheung and starring Shawn Yue and Miriam Yeung. The plot revolves around the love story of Cherie and Jimmy, two smokers who met at an outdoor smoking area subsequent to the ban on all indoor smoking areas in Hong Kong.
《志明与春娇》是2010年由导演彭浩翔执导的香港爱情电影 , 由余文乐和杨千嬅主演 。剧情讲述在香港禁烟环境下 , 吸烟男女张志明和余春娇在后巷开始的相遇相知的爱情故事 。
White Snake
The Legend of the White Snake, also known as Madame White Snake, is a Chinese fairytale about a snake spirit that falls in love with a human named Xu Xuan, and the ensuing chaos that follows.
白蛇传 , 也被称为白娘子传奇 , 是一部中国的民间爱情传说 。讲述关于白蛇爱上人类许宣(仙) , 两人在相爱中经历了诸多的坎坷与是非的故事 。