诚实六年级作文写法怎么样?( 五 )

“咔啦,咔啦”坏了!这开门声千真万确,平时平常不过的开门声令我胆战心惊 。爸爸妈妈回来了,发现了破损的雕塑 。这下完了!果然,爸爸问:“咦?这小雕塑怎么坏了,你看见了吗?我吞吞吐吐地说:”不知道,我、、、、、、我没看见 。我有些语无伦次了 。
但爸爸并不是那样好骗,又问:“那谁把这个贴好了呢?”我一看,瞒不下去了,只好一五一十的交待了一个清楚 。但出奇的,爸爸没有意料中的大发雷霆,反而很温和地说:“不是我因为雕塑弄坏而批评你,你当时不应该欺骗,这你做的毕竟不对,不可以骗人 。这样的行为是不好的,在社会上就无法立足了 。”我莫名的涨红了脸,一声不吭 。爸爸语重心长地教导我:“今天,你虽然骗人,但是却主动地认了,这虽然很好 。但,你是男子汉,要为自己的行为负责,我要对你进行一定的惩罚,但你要记住,人最基本的品质就是要诚实 。”
那一天,我被诚实撞了一下腰,作为一个男子汉,就要说到做到,要诚实 。那一天,我虽然受到了批评和处罚,但我心中却如释重负 。因为,在人生中,我已经掌握最基本的道德品质,做人一定诚实,诚实是最可贵的 。


On Maintaining Honesty
Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short eay entitled On Maintaining Friendship by commenting on “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.” by Jean de la Fontaine.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.
On Maintaining Honesty
By saying “Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer”, Jean de la Fontaine has pointed out the importance of friendship.Nowadays, it seems that people get closer to each other by means of the increasingly advanced communicating technologies, yet the closene of hearts has in fact been distanced.Therefore, it is high time that we should attach great importance to maintain this precious sentiment.
Everyone need the warmth of friendship.In good times, friendship is flowers growing fast because we irritate it by sharing our joy and happine; in adversity, friendship is a dose of consolation since friends are always there ready to help.Also, friendship is the effective lubricator for cooperative organizations, communities and different countries in the proce of cooperation and development.
As friendship is so important in our life, actions should be taken to pursue and maintain it.And it involves trust and honesty in establishing and maintaining true friendship.Frankne and uprightne contribute to a good relationship.Moreover, tolerance and modesty also help promote the closene of friends.Only by doing these things will we retain our friends and keep the lamp of friendship burning long.