

在美国当代英语语料库统计的20000个常用词中,waste排在第2000位,在4.5亿个单词中出现了19069次 。今天我们就一起来看看waste的日常用法 。
形容词词组:hazardous waste(有害废弃物)>solid waste(固体废弃物)>toxic waste(有毒废物)>nuclear waste(核百思特网废料)
名词词组:waste time>waste management>waste disposal(废物处百思特网理)>waste site(废物处置场)
动词词组:reduce waste>generate waste>dispose waste
n. 1.(an unnecessary or wrong use of money, substances, time, energy, abilities, etc.)浪费;滥用
That meeting achieved absolutely nothing - it was a complete waste of time.
那次会议根本没有取得什么成果——纯粹是浪费时间 。
She's been a housewife for two years and it's such a waste of her talents.
她已经做了两年家庭主妇,这纯粹是浪费她的才华 。
2. (unwanted matter or material of any type, especially what is left after useful substances or parts have been removed)废品,垃圾,废物,废料
He opposes any kind of nuclear waste being dumped at sea.
他反对将任何一种核废料倾倒入海中 。
Oil spills are common, as is the dumping of toxic industrial wastes.
溢油现象很常见,就像倾倒有毒工业废料一样 。
3.waste ground (mainly UK) an area of ground in or near a city that is not built on or used in any way(城市里或市郊的)荒地wastes [ plural ](large areas of land that are not used to grow crops and have few li百思特网ving animals or plants 荒原,不毛之地)
the Arctic wastes of northern Siberia
v.(to use too much of something or use something badly when there is a limited amount of it 浪费;未好好利用)
We've wasted enough time already.


我们已经浪费了不少时间了 。

1.waste away:(to gradually get thinner and weaker, in a way that is unhealthy 逐渐消瘦;渐渐瘦弱)
You're wasting away!
2.waste of space:(informal)a person or thing that is not useful or helpful 废物,无用的人
That man is a total waste of space.
那个人完全是个废物 。
3.waste product:(a substance of no value or use that is made during a process in which something useful is produced 无用的副产品;工业垃圾)
Cadmium is a toxic waste product of the electronics industry.
镉是电子工业产生的一种有毒废物 。