
In me, past, present, future meet,于我,过去、现在和未来
To hold long chiding conference. 商讨聚会 各执一词 纷扰不息 。
My lusts usurp the present tense 林林总总的 欲望,掠取着我的现在
And strangle Reason in his seat. 把“理性”扼杀于它的宝座
My loves leap through the future's fence 我的爱情纷纷越过未来的藩篱
To dance with dream-enfranchised feet. 梦想解放出它们的双脚 舞蹈不停
In me the cave-man clasps the seer, 于我,穴居人攫取了先知,
And garlanded Apollo goes 佩戴花环的阿波罗神
Chanting to Abraham's deaf ear. 向亚伯拉罕的聋耳唱叹歌吟 。
In me the tiger sniffs the rose. 心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇 。
Look in my heart, kind friends, and tremble, 审视我的内心吧,亲爱的朋友,你应颤栗,
Since there your elements assemble. 因为那才是你本来的面目 。更多作者: 西格夫里·萨松
Siegfried Sassoon
谢谢了 有诗名吗
求拜伦经典诗歌的中英对译 。If I meet with you,
after several years,
how can I give the compliment,
only silence and tears.
建议你去买本诗集,我有一本叫做《拜伦,雪莱,济慈抒情诗精选集(英汉语对照)》的书 。当代世界出版社 。
你要是还要哪首的话麻烦再说详细点吧,我再改回答 。
When We Two Parted《昔日依依别》
When we two parted昔日依依惜别,
In silence and tears,泪流默默无言;
Half broken-hearted离恨肝肠断,
To serve for years,此别又几年 。
Pale grew thy cheek and cold, 冷颊向愕然,
Colder thy kiss,一吻寒更添;
Truly that hour foretold日后伤心事,
Sorrow to this!此刻已预言 。
The dew of the morning朝起寒露重,
Suck chill or my brow凛冽凝眉间
It felt like the warning彼时已预告:
Of what I feel now.悲伤在今天 。
Thy cows are all broken,山盟今安在?
And light is thy fame;汝名何轻贱!
I hear thy name spoken,吾闻汝名传,
And share in its shame.羞愧在人前 。
They name thee before me,闻汝名声恶,
A knell to mine ear;犹如听丧钟 。
A shudder comes o'er me不禁心怵惕
Why wert thou so dear?往昔情太浓 。
Thy know not I knew thee谁知旧日情,
who knew thee too well:斯人知太深 。
Long,Long shall I rue thee绵绵长怀恨,
Too deeply to tell.尽在不言中 。
In secret we met—昔日喜幽会,
In silence I grieve今朝恨无声 。
That thy heart could forget,旧情汝已忘,
Thy spirit deceive.痴心遇薄幸 。
If I should meet thee多年惜别后,
After long years,抑或再相逢,
How should I greet thee ?相逢何所语?
With silence and tears.泪流默无声 。
中英句子对译My dream is to be a engineer.
Peking,Shanghai and Guangzhou are called big cities.
My mom bought a lot of tomatoes yesterday.
在门的前面有一片很大的区域 。
求一首初中生英语小诗,最好是泰戈尔的 。要中英对译,求帮忙谢谢THE MOST DISTANT WAY IN THE WORLD – TAGORE
世界上最远的距离The most distant way in the world
不是生与死的距离is not the way from birth to the end.
而是我站在你面前It is when I sit near you
你不知道我爱你that you don't understand I love you.
世界上最远的距离The most distant way in the world
不是我站在你面前is not that you're not sure I love you.
而是爱到痴迷It is when my love is bewildering the soul
却不能说出我爱你but I can't speak it out
世界上最远的距离The most distant way in the world
不是我不能说我爱你 is not that I can't say I love you.
而是想你痛彻心脾It is after looking into my heart
却只能深埋心底I can't change my love.
世界上最远的距离The most distant way in the world
不是我不能说我想你 is not that I'm loving you.
而是彼此相爱It is in our love
却不能够在一起we are keeping between the distance.
世界上最远的距离The most distant way in the world
不是彼此相爱is not the distance across us.
而是明知道真爱无敌 It is when we're breaking through the way
却装作毫不在意we deny the existence of love.
世界上最远的距离So the most distant way in the world
不是树与树的距离is not in two distant trees.
而是同根生长的树枝 It is the same rooted branches
却无法在风中相依can't enjoy the co-existence.


世界上最远的距离So the most distant way in the world