扫雷怎么玩|玩扫雷还有什么技巧?( 四 )

[6] Quad-Core Redstone Computer - YouTube
[7] 什么是P问题、NP问题和NPC问题,以及怎么理解 P 问题和 NP 问题?- 知乎
[8] 布尔可满足性条件 - 维基百科
[9] Circuits, Minesweeper, and NP Completeness - Richard Carini
[10] S R Broadbent and J M Hammersly,Percolation processes. Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical,1957,53 :629-641.
[11] Percolation - wikipedia
[12] Minesweeper as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem - Chris Studholme
[13] The Minesweeper game: Percolation and Complexity - Elchanan Mossel
[14] emoji - minesweeper - muan, github
[15] 看B站学物理:扫雷里的相变 - 梁昊,知乎
