有谁知道唐山抗震纪念碑的英文碑文是什么( 二 )
Since 1979, Tangshan builds all-round development. The country appropriates funds gathering the people who designs that the team who is under construction amounts to more than 100,000 more than 5,000,000,000 yuan, leading comrades of the central authorities comes personally to give guidance also many times. As a result of fighting bravely for 7 years, downtown area establishes 12 million square metres resident dwelling house, 6 million square metres workshop building and public facilities. Xin Cheng town , the high building stand in great numbers , weave with ease , emerald green brings the narrow lane , spring fills the air with warmth under patronage behind the earthquake. Extensive rural area also, Washe is fresh , a bumper grain harvest , mountain Haibili , all professions all are popular. Phoenix of regenerating today if Tangshan , plundering the day afer tomorrow, with force and spirit fertile land of wing and east Hebei.
Contemplate the present and recall the past emotionally, swiftly 10. Here one brick one stone every blade of grass and every tree be declaring that like this truth: Communist Party of China is wise great, socialist system nothing here is advantageous , People's Liberation Army is loyal and steadfast reliable, the people of destiny is not allowed to bring into submission autonomously. Love relative of erecting this tablet , to let an earthquake know and feel comfort dying, Jin expresses hero and martyr of dedicating self to , inspires the present age people's education, posterity. Specially order this language , engrave with Yong aspiration.
唐山乃冀东一工业重镇,不幸于1976年7月28日凌晨3点42分发生地震 。震中东经118度11分,北纬39度38分,震级7.8级,震中烈度11度,震源深11公里 。是时,人正酣睡,万籁具静 。突然,地光闪射,地声轰鸣,房倒屋塌,地裂山崩 。数秒之内,百年城市建设夷为墟土,24万城乡居民于瓦砾,16万多人顿成伤残 。7000多家庭断门绝烟 。此难使京津披创,全国震惊,盖有史以来为害最烈者 。
然唐山不失为华夏之灵土,民众无愧于幽燕之英杰,遭此灭顶之灾,终未渝回天之志 。主震方止,余震频仍,幸存者即奋挣扎之力,移伤残之躯,匍匐互救,以沫相濡,谱成一章风雨同舟、生死与共、先人后己、公而忘私之共产主义壮曲悲歌 。
地震之后,党中央、国务院急电全国火速救援 。10余万解放军星夜驰奔,首抵市区,舍生忘死,排险救人,清墟建房,功高盖世 。5万名医护人员及干部民工运送物资,解民倒悬,救死扶伤,恩重如山 。四面八方捐物捐款,数十万吨物资运达灾区,唐山人民安然度过缺粮缺水之绝境 。与此同时,中央慰问团亲临视察,省市党政领导现场指挥,诸如外转伤员、消尸防疫、通水供电、发放救济等迅速展开,步步奏效 。震后十天,铁路通车;未及一月,学校相继开学,工厂先后复产,商店次第开业;冬前,百余万简易住房起于废墟,所有灾民无一冻;灾后,疾病减少,瘟疫未萌,堪称救灾史上之奇迹 。
自1979年,唐山建设全面展开 。国家拨款50多亿元,集设计施工队伍达10余万人,中央领导同志也多次亲临指导 。经7年奋战,市区建成1200万平方米居民住宅,600万平方米厂房及公用设施 。震后新城,高楼林立,通裕如织,翠荫夹道,春光融融 。广大农村也瓦舍清新,五谷丰登,山海辟利,百业俱兴 。今日唐山,如劫后再生之凤凰,奋翅与冀东之沃野 。
抚今追昔,倏忽10年 。此间一砖一石一草一木都宣示着如斯真理:中国共产党英明伟大,社会主义制度无此优越,人民解放军忠贞可靠,自主命运之人民不可折服 。爱立此碑,以告慰震亡之亲人,靳表献身之英烈,鼓舞当代人民,教育后世子孙 。特制此文,镌以永志 。
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