Trying New Thing尝试新事物英语作文怎么写?( 八 )

8 learning about the past has no value for those of us living in the present. 8学习过去对于我们这些生活在无价值的 。9.what is a very important skill a person should learn in order to be succeful in the world today? choose one skill and use specific reasons and examples to support your choice. 9 。一个人应该学会为了在当今世界获得成功的一个很重要的技巧是什么?请给出具体原因及实例来支持你的选择 。10有些人喜欢和同伴旅行 。其他人喜欢单独旅行 。你更喜欢哪种?使用具体原因和例子来支持你的选择 。11有些人喜欢为大型公司工作 。有些人喜欢在小公司工作 。你要选哪个?使用具体原因和例子来支持你的选择 。
【Trying New Thing尝试新事物英语作文怎么写?】12是面对面的交流比其他交流?13 now in the age of the internet, reading books does not seem as important as it once you think people can learn as much on the internet as they can by reading books? which method do you prefer?13现在在互联网时代,阅读书籍并不像以前那么重要了 。你认为人可以学到了互联网上他们可以通过阅读书籍?你选择哪种方法?14 its been said that technology creates more problems than it solves and may threaten or damage the quality of this statement reasonable? what problems does technology bring us? use specific examples in your answer, please. 14据说技术创造更多的问题比它解决的,可能威胁或损害生活质量 。这种说法是合理的?科技给我们带来什么问题?在你的回答中使用具体的例子,请 。15 the expreion “never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your you agree or disagree with this statement? use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 15表达的“永不放弃”意味着不断的尝试,不停的工作为您的目标 。你同意或不同意这种说法?使用具体原因和例子来支持你的回答 。。