软件年终总结如何写?( 二 )

Chapter 10 Self-Check Quiz
1.In the most general sense a component is a modular building block for computer software.
a.True b.False
Answer: a (Section 10.1)
2.In the context of object-oriented software engineering a component contains
a.attributes and operations b.instances of each cla c.roles for each actor (device or user) d.set of collaborating claes
Answer: d (Section 10.1.1)
【软件年终总结如何写?】3.In traditional software engineering modules must serve in which of the following roles?
a.Control component b.Infrastructure component c.Problem domain component d.All of the above
Answer: d (Section 10.1.2)
4.Software engineers always need to cerate components from scratch in order to meet customer expectations fully.
a.True b.False
Answer: b (Section 10.1.3)
5.Which of the following is not one of the four principles used to guide component-level design?
a.Dependency Inversion Principle b.Interface Segregation Principle c.Open-Closed Principle d.Parsimonious Complexity Principle
Answer: d (Section 10.2.1)
6.The use of stereotypes can help identify the nature of components at the detailed design level.
a.True b.False
Answer: a (Section 10.2.2)
7.Claes and components that exhibit functional, layer, or communicational cohesion are relatively easy to implement, test, and maintain.
a.True b.False
Answer: a (Section 10.2.3)
8.Software coupling is a sign of poor architectural design and can always be avoided in every system.
a.True b.False
Answer: b (Section 10.2.4)
9.WebApp content design at the component level focuses on content objects and the manner in which they interact.
a.True b.False
Answer: b (Section 10.4.1)
10.A WebApp functional architecture describes the key functional components and how they interact with each other.
a.True b.False
Answer: a (Section 10.4.2)
11.Which of these is a graphical notation for depicting procedural detail?
a.box diagram b.decision table c.ER diagram d.flowchart
Answer: d (Section 10.5.1)
12.A decision table should be used
a.to document all conditional statements b.to guide the development of the project management plan c.only when building an expert system d.when a complex set of conditions and actions appears in a component
Answer: d (Section 10.5.2)
13.A program design language (PDL) is often a
a.combination of programming constructs and narrative text b.legitimate programming language in its own right c.machine readable software development language d.useful way to represent software architecture
Answer: a (Section 10.5.3)
14.In component-based software engineering, the development team examines the requirements to see which are amenable to composition, rather than construction, before beginning detailed design tasks.
a.True b.False
Answer: a (Section 10.6)
15.Which of the following is not one of the major activities of domain engineering?