
Feeling After Reading Ru in Boots
Feeling After Reading Ru in Boots
During the summer vacation, I read a story book named Ru in Boots.I like the story and I like the hero—Ru too.Now I want to share the story to you.
There was an old miller he was going to die.He had a mill, a donkey and a cat.He gave the mill to the older son, gave the donkey to the second son and gave the cat to the youngest son.The youngest son was very sad.He thought that miller could mill flour and donkey could be ridden, what use a cat had? If I killed him I could get a pair of gloves.But suddenly the cat Ru said to his master, if you gave me a pair of boots and I could work for you.The youngest son did as Ru said.The cat helped his master get lots of treasure with his wisdom.The king married his daughter to him and his master lived happily from then on.
The story us that don’t just see the surface of something, wisdom can overcome everything.The most important is one can’t underestimate yourself.You should be full of confidence to yourself.At the same time, I think of another question, why the cat wants to wear the boots to empre its intelligence? Because it wants to have the equal rights as a man.It wants to be friends
with us.So we must love the animals, and only in this way they can help us.


今天,我看了一篇童话故事,名字叫做《穿靴子的猫》 。
这个故事讲的是一个磨坊主有三个儿子,磨坊主死了后,把家产留了下来,大儿子占了房子,二儿子牵走了一头驴子,小儿子汉斯只拿到了只猫 。有一天,猫对主人说:只要给我一只布袋和一双靴子,就会让你交上好运,果真没有多久,汉斯和国王的女儿结婚了 。
读了这个故事我才知道:每个人都有他自己的优点和缺点,有自己的长处和短处 。我就像这故事里这只猫,看起来很普通,很没有用,但是却凭着自己的机智,就能给自己的主人带来好运,在生活中,我们也要像这只猫一样,要善于动脑筋才能给自己带来好运 。
对了,我记得有一次,数学有个难题不会,然后我就想呀想呀,最后终于想出来了 。这就说明只要认真思考,就会想出好的答案 。


你有可能会碰到一只猫,穿着一双靴子,大胡子向上,十分瘦 。它就是《穿靴子的猫》的主人公 。
这只猫在故事里对主人公无比忠诚,还十分狡猾 。它的狡猾表现在它利用了食人魔爱显摆的特点,先满足食人魔的.显摆心,然后假装在意食人魔不会变成小动物,比如老鼠、耗子 。食人魔不服气就变成了一只耗子,结果上当,被猫一口吃掉了 。竟然用计将食人魔都吃掉,可见它是一只非常有智慧的猫 。从这件事还能反映这只猫胆大包天,食人魔人人都怕,猫却在它面前沉着冷静 。