

1.【 smog 】美[sma:g];英[smog]
n.雾霾、烟雾 。复数为smogs
1.Severe smog directly affects people's breathing.
严重的雾霾直接影响到人的呼吸 。
2. The smog reflects the air quality level of a city.
雾霾反映了一个城市的空气质量水平 。
3. The smog emission in this area far exceeds the national regulation.
这个地区的烟雾排放量远超国家规定 。
4. The sky over the city was overspread with heavy smo百思特网g.
5. Cars cause pollution, both smog and acid rain.
汽车引起污染,既有烟雾又有酸雨 。
6. The sky over the city was overspread with heavy smog.
城市上空罩上了一层浓重的烟雾 。
7 Under the cover of the smog, He snatched the pot on the sly.
在烟雾的掩护下,他偷偷地拿走了那只壶 。
8. Most of my friends are moving outside the city to avoid the noise, smog and traffic of the city.
我的大多数朋友都搬到城外来躲避城市的噪音、烟雾和交通 。
9. There will be little respite from the densedata smog, which some researchers fear maybe poisonous.
浓密的数据烟雾将不会有所缓解,一些研究者担心这些数据烟雾可能是有毒的 。

2.【 haze 】 美[heiz];英[heiz]


④n.(形成薄雾的)水汽,尘雾 。
变形:过去式和过去分词都为hazed,现在分词hazing,第三人称单数为hazes,复数为hazes 。
1.This group of students take pleasure in hazing primary school students.
这群学生以欺凌小学生为乐 。
2.The distant mountains were shrouded in the haze.
远处的群山笼罩在薄雾中 。
3. The wounded person with haze was taken tothe hospital for treatment.
这个迷糊的伤者被送往医院接受治疗 。
4. I saw her through a haze of cigarette smoke.
我透过一片香烟的烟雾看见了她 。
5. Air pollution was at record levels in Delhi this week as a layer of dark yellow haze covered the city.
印度德里空气污染程百思特网度达到新高,当地被一层深黄色浓雾笼罩 。
6. They vanished into the haze near the horizon.
他们消失在地平线附近的薄雾中 。
7. Mist was rising, and trees and shrubs began to disappear in a milk-white haze.百思特网
薄雾正在升起,树木和灌木丛开始消失在一片乳白色的雾霭之中 。
8. The glittering spire atop the tower of the daytime through my window, would no longer be visible now in the early morning haze.
白天透过窗子能够看到塔楼顶上闪闪发光的塔尖,此时在清晨的薄雾中当然看不见了 。
9. The guests left in an alcoholic haze.
客人们醉醺醺地离去了 。
10. Aurora felt the opium haze enfold her.奥罗拉感到鸦片的烟霭将她笼罩了起来 。