furthermore的用法|further和furthermore( 二 )


Furthermore has a specific meaning. In the context of this thread and the earlier questions in it, there is no difference in meaning between further and furthermore. Further has other meanings, not broader meaning, but they are distinct from furthermore, being more concerned with distance or extent than with the logical connection between statements that is needed for furthermore. Thus, if your proposed use of furthermore or further is similar in meaning to in addition or moreover, then it does not matter whether you use further or furthermore. It is merely a question of personal choice. My choice would usually be furthermore.

The choice between them is nothing more than a matter of personal writing style.

2. Furthermore, moreover, besides之间的区别

下面是从网页[5]上查阅到的关于三个词之间区别 。

Furthermore: 当仅需在上述原因中增加一个原因时,即可使用furthermore 。

Moreover: 用来添加一个与上述原因不同的原因 。它主要是为了增加多样性 。

Besides: 当我们强调新的理由时用besides 。

下面是从网页[5]上关于三个词之间区别的英文原文表述,原文更清楚的解释了它们之间的区别 。

Furthermore, Moreover, Besides:

Furthermore, is, properly, used, when there is need only to add one more reason, to those, before-mentioned; its intent, is to multiply, and, it has no relation, but to number.

Moreover, is in its right place, when used, to add a reason of a different kind, to those, that went before; its chief office is, to add, with a particular respect, to diversity.

Besides, i百思特网s used with propriety, when we would strengthen by a new reason, the force of those, that were sufficient of themselves, its principal office is, to enhance by abundance.

For a state to support itself, those, who govern, should be moderate; those who ought to obey, governable; furthermore, the laws should be judicious. There will always be war among men, because, they are naturally ambitious, and are governed by interest; moreover, zeal for religion, makes them rigid. Holy Scripture teaches us the unity of the Godhead, and, reason.

总结:当further和furthermore在用作副词的时候,它们之间虽然可以互换,但一般并不建议这么做 。