小学入学申请书怎么写?( 二 )

香港出世纸/其他身份证明文件号码 c.o.b./other i.d.no. 性别 genderplease stick a recent photo here出生地点 place of birth国籍 nationality 电话 (住宅) telephone no.(home)住址 residential addre通讯地址 correspondence addre (if different from above)ii.家长/监护人资料 parents/guardian particulars父 father 英文姓名 (姓氏先行) name in full (english) (surname first) 中文姓名 name (chinese) 身份证号码 i.d.card no.职业 occupation 电话号码 (办公室) telephone no.(office) 电话号码 (个人通讯) telephone no.(mobile/pager) 电子邮址 e-mail addre 母 mother 监护人 guardianiii.申请人学历 (请顺序列出) academic qualifications (in chronological order)由 from 月/年 month/year 至 to 月/年 month/year学校名称地址school nameaddre电话 telephone no. iv.课外活动 extra-curricular activities由 from 月/年 month/year 至 to 月/年 month/year活动名称 name of activitiesv.特殊技能
(例如:音乐, 体育, 朗诵, 数学,舞蹈等等)special skills (e.g.music, physical .education., choral speaking, mathematics, dancing etc.)vi.校外奖项 external awards (in chronological order)日期 date 月/年 month/year参与机构 name of organization奖项名称 name of awardsvii.校内奖项 internal awards (in chronological order)日期 date 月/年 month/year参与机构 name of organization奖项名称 name of awardsviii.推荐人及评语(如有)recommendation comments (if any)ix.其他 others 1.申请者如有近亲於本校就读,请列明其姓名,班级及与申请者的关系 if you have close relatives currently studying at the school, please state their names, claes and relationship to you ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2.申请者如有近亲同时申请入读本校,请列明其姓名,班级及与申请者的关系 if you have close relatives currently applying for the school, please state their names, claes and relationship to you ____________________________________________________________________________________ x.备注 remarks 填妥本表格后,请连同下列文件一并送交新界元朗天水围天恒邨顺德联谊总会翁佑中学 please hand in the completed application form to the school office of s.t.f.a.yung yau college, tin heng estate, tin shui wai, yuen long n.t.with the following documents 1.写上学生姓名之学生近照两张 a recent photo of the student (with endorsement) 2.学生最近之成绩表影印本 a photocopy of the latest school report of the student
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~xi 校务处专用 official use only负责人签署 person-in-charge signature 日期 date 取录与否 acceptance 是 / 否 yes / no 校长签署 principal signature 日期 date编配班级 cla arrangements


我女儿xxx,x,x族,x岁,xxxx生,身份证号:xxxxx 。毕业于xxx幼儿园,擅长xxx等 。现户口在xxx,户口所在地为:xxxx,现居住于xxx 。父亲xxxxx,xx学历,从事xx 。身份证号:xxxx,联系电话:xx;母亲xx,xx学历,从事xxx,身份证号:xxxxx,联系电话:xxxxxx 。