挫折演讲稿范文有没有?( 三 )

事业上的强者 。
“看成败 , 人生豪迈 , 只不过是从头再来 。”这首歌唱得好极了 , 它唱出了我的心声 。当我第一次听到这首歌的刹那 , 我的精神为之一振 , 我的心立刻与歌词产生了共鸣 。我的前半生也有过几次从头再来的经历 , 现在想起来 , 它使我懂得了:“一旦失败 , 应当毫不犹豫站起来 , 从头再来 。”这就是信心 。信心是胜利者、成功者的“摇篮” 。
“人生之光荣 , 不在永不失败 , 而在能屡仆屡起”(拿破仑语) 。特别是在这个竞争日益激烈的社会 , 即使生活无情地将我们的奋斗、努力打成碎片 , 但只要信心没有被打碎 , 只要我们的心中能保持自信的火种 , 我们就可以一次又一次地点燃生命的激情和活力 , 勇敢地与命运之神、风险危机抗争 , 让生命焕发出智慧与坚强的光辉 。
只要信心没有被打碎 , 这句话应该成为我们的人生箴言 , 如是 , 我们就将成为一个不可战胜的人 , 就可以创造出人间奇迹 。直面挫折英文演讲稿挫折演讲稿(3) | 返回目录
good morning veerybody.
this amount of crying in the summer, accompanied by strands of golden sun, the three qin xuezi have gathered and write with a bold self-confidence, expre their mind with the charm, but also with wisdom, reason, hope to show students the style!
stand here, at this moment, my heart is still in the continually encourage myself.why? because the face of this competition, i always feel the preure and fear! i was afraid of failure, fear of failure can not be expected to face which both eyes; but i told
myself to face life, i need this kind of mentality: facing adversity, those who do not do surrender of life!
speaking of adversity, the mindset of all of us will think of some compaion large bitter story.experiences of the hero story is always ordinary people can not imagine, and bear.in fact, all of us and not many big ups and downs of life, great suffering; the contrary, i want to talk about adversity, like the previous example of my own, as is our life's chores and often run into trouble.
give examples in one fell swoop.sometimes, we will not perform well because of the relationship with friends and worry; sometimes, we feel that community leaders as to their task difficult, while the body a sense of preure; there, we are not satisfied because of academic performance, and sorrow charms.such as sub-cla of the trivial and the trouble really constitutes a common adversity in our lives.
face them, we feel pain, we feel sorrow.how to get it in the end a quiet and peaceful heart? ! !
please review i have with me a story.sophomore year, i can confidently aert that the school should hold a "succeful students of psychology," the speech, but in the proce of organizing i experienced the following problems: first of all, the last two days, four hours a day presentation of material to remember a large volume of 10 vcd, 6 book, not only concentrated, but also a systematic, hierarchical, and interesting; secondly, i do a good job in order to publicize the need to complete the nearly 20 posters 6 banner, the production of 50 multi-media slide; finally, there is a speech that a failure of anger and fear, jiyu give up heart.at that time, the face of these difficulties, in bad times and i, what shall we do? !