挫折演讲稿范文有没有?( 四 )

continue to self-motivation! first of all, i try to put right attitude to face the difficulties of this speech and preure; the same time, also taking into account a variety of accidents and the consequences of speech.i have to overcome shyne to attack the barriers that visible and invisible.in the face of adversity before, and i frankly have to straighten the backs! the move, rational analysis difficult for me to find countermeasures to gain the ultimate succe of a speech, laying a solid foundation!
this is not difficult to see the face in adversity, we need a frank, face mentality.
psychologists found that: human preure in the face of adversity and hardship, only the calm face of the mentality, people will make rational analysis, the right choice, thus triggering potential of adversity into!
friends, life, person, unhappy person all likelihood.important is our own self-understanding, understanding of the environment.environment can not determine our fate, on the contrary, our own attitudes towards the environment, really determine our succe or failure.
everything needs a positive state.the face of adversity in life, do not flinch! frustration, let us lead kang singing; sorrow, let us laugh; inferiority complex, let us face-lift; fear, let us move forward!
my dear friends, the face of life, please face the face of adversity! only in this way is the life we were truly indomitable!
that is all ,thank you ! 励志演讲稿:微笑着面对挫折挫折演讲稿(4) | 返回目录
大家好!今天我演讲的题目是《微笑面对挫折》 。
今天是x月x号 , 是我们步入新学年 , 新初三的开端 。也许 , 在这一年中 , 我们会付出无法估量的艰辛 , 但我们同时会收获成功后的喜悦和挫折后的沮丧 。微笑着面对挫折 , 是我们在这一学年中勇夺胜利的法宝 。只有时时刻刻微笑着才能撑起你的信心 , 扬起自信的风帆 , 一直拼搏下去 , 使你成为困难面前的勇士!
爱迪生为了研究 , 失败过无数次;居里夫人为了“镭”的研制成功 , 遭受过许多挫折;袁隆平为了“杂交水稻” , 经受了难以想象的打击 。然而 , 他们挺过来了 , 他们微笑着面对 , 微笑着成功 。
如果大家把我们现在遇到的困难认为是人生中最大的挫折的话 , 那也只是大题小做 。我们对于挫折的理解 , 就像对爱情的朦胧无知一样 , 正真的挫折可能还比我们现在的情形复杂上千 , 上万倍 。看一下林肯的一生 , 你便会理解什么叫做正真的挫折和微笑的力量 。
亚伯拉罕·林肯 , 美国第十六界总统:22岁 , 生意失败 。23岁 , 竞选议员失败 。24岁 , 生意再次失败 。25岁 , 当选议员 。26岁 , 情人去世 。27岁 , 精神崩溃 。29岁 , 竞选州议长失败 。37岁 , 当选国会众议员 。39岁 , 国会众议员连任失败 。46岁 , 竞选参议员失败 。47岁 , 竞选副总统失败 。49岁 , 竞选参议员再次失败 。51岁 , 当选美国总统 。