
the table below shows the sales made by a coffee shop on an office building on a typical weekday.
summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.if
timecoffeeteapastriessandwiches 730-103026511027550 1030-2301855095100 230-5301453515040 530-8302007580110
The sales made by this coffee shop illustrate a very distinguishable feature as below.From the table, we can easily see that the drinks and pastries sold have a selling peak during early morning and afternoon while the sandwiches sold are mainly focused on lunch and supper time.Beside this, the best selling item is coffee which counts up to almost half of the total selling number of the stock per day.Comparing to tea, both of coffee and tea have a well selling time in the morning and after 5:30.However, coffee has a second selling peak around 10:30 to 2:30 and the sales last to 8:30 with a relatively stable selling number per hour.On contrast, the situation between pastries and sandwiches sold are different from coffee and tea.The table shows that the pastries has a better selling time at 7:30 to 10:30 and 2:30 to 5:30 than sandwiches and the sales of sandwiches are in opposite compare to pastries.To sum up, coffee is the daily best selling item and people usually pair up coffee and pastries then buy them together.Also, the sandwiches have a good sale during lunch and supper time.
她有一头乌黑发亮的头发,像柔滑的锦缎,扎成高高的马尾,显得活泼可爱;弯弯的柳叶眉下面有一双炯炯有神的眼睛,笑起来就快眯成一条线;还有一张不讲理的嘴巴,用我妈的话说,就是无理犟三分 。
她性格非常固执,她说西,你不能说东,她说什么,你就不敢反对,她说什么就是什么,她认准的事,十头牛也拉不回来 。
那一天,我俩商定着看电视,我想看电影动漫,她想看动物世界,各不相让,我把电视机调到电影频道,引人入胜的故事情节并没有吸引她,她大声喧闹着说到:“调九频道 。”我就反对,全当没听见,我还在目不转睛地盯着电视 。她又重复一遍说:“调九频道!”我还当没听见,她夺过遥控器调九频道,我又夺了回去 。
她生气了,大眼睛恶狠狠地瞪着我,凶神恶煞地对准我大腿根上猛猛一拧,我“啊”的一声大叫起来,快疼死我了,她又一把夺了过去,我没再和她争了,对于不讲理的人,懒得和她理论,我只好和她一起看了 。我看着看着就不想看了,我站起来往我的屋子里,进屋就坐在地上独自玩去了,省的看着她自寻烦恼 。
她很喜作文欢看书,一看就入迷 。有一次她在看《绿山墙上的安妮》,看的津津有味 。
我在写作业,写着写着,有一道题不会,我试着问她:“姐,这道题怎么写?”她不理我,仿佛我问的不是她,我又去问我妈了,妈妈说:“妈妈才疏学浅,上学时学的知识被妈妈都就饭吃了,这一题我也不知道怎么写 。”妈妈看了一遍说:“问你爸去 。”我又硬着头皮去找爸爸了,找到了爸爸,他在玩手机,爸爸说:“宝贝,爸爸正忙着上网,对不起,问你姐去吧!”我只好无奈地又去问我姐了 。