沪教版英语四年级下册第三单元教学反思( 三 )

6、光碟本身给教者带来了便捷,某些发音的示范性,教学用于的表达 。但光碟教学有时也不能激发学生的学习兴趣,比较乏味,操练也不够,达不到预期的效果,还应根据本班实际运用各种形式的活动反复进行操练 。
7、在今后教学中根据自己的实际进行运用,对光碟要十分的熟练,反复观看,恰如其分的选择适合自己的教学环节 。本节课的内容来自PEP BOOK 1,Unit Look at me A Let's learn部分,主要学习有关身体器官的单词 。希望通过学习,让学生能够用英语来表述身体各器官,而且将要学要记的词、句融入游戏中,取得了较好的学习效果 。在热身部分,通过同学间的互相问候,打招呼,开始这节课 。不仅活跃了气氛,而且复习了前个单元所学习的知识 。因为本课的内容与学生本身相关性很大 。所以通过请一名同学上来,依次介绍他身体的部位,大大激起学生的兴趣 。使学生有了初步的认识 。在教学单词ee,ear,nose,mouth,fae,head时,用明快的节奏,抑扬顿挫的语调,再加上手舞足蹈,跳动的感觉,让学生不有自主地跟着大声读了起来,在
不知不觉中记住单词 。通过本堂课的学习,学生能够听、说、认读六个有关身体器官的单词:
ear ,ee ,nose ,mouth, fae, head .而且也理解了句型: “Look at me .This is m ? .”并能做出相应的动作表情 。运用充分的游戏 。使学生在玩中学,在学中玩 。在巩固操练时,我运用了各种不同形式的游戏,学生的积极性被充分的调动了起来,大家都积极举手参与,使课堂气氛达到了高潮 。但是,一节课中除了成功,总存在着一些不足 。整一堂课下来,有些地方还应该再改进 。三年级的学生观察事物还是很简单,需要老师用一些夸张的动作或语气来调动他们的积极性 。虽说这一堂课中,我也有一些肢体语言,而且也达到了一定的效果,但还
ther is badl ill and needs me to take are of her , besides , m father annt look after her no .i ill go bak to shool tto make up for m leons as soon as m mother is better .li hao dear mrms ..., im not feeling ver ell toda.ive got a bad old.m father took me to see a dotor this morning, and the dotor looked me over arefull and gave me some mediine.he also advised me to sta in bed for a da.so i ant go to shool toda.i hope ill get eel soon and go to shool
tomorro morning.thanks.our student to: john smith, supervisorfrom: george hen, aounting departmentdate: marh 11, xx subjet: asual leave of absene john, i ould like to kno if i ould ask for a asual leave of absene from marh 23 to 2 7.esterda i reeived a letter from m parents, ho are both over 70, telling me that a big flood took plae at m home village,i ill all ou at 1:30p.m.or ou an all me at an time.请假条 dear mr.li, i as aught in the rain esterda and i had a fever last night.i am reall not feeling ell no.m mom ill take me to see the dotor .please exuse me for not attending shool toda thank ou!li hua.dear migao, im sorr i ant go to shool toda.i helped the farmers pik apples ith m lamates on the farm esterda.unlukil, i fell off the ladder and hurt m leg, but i asnt badl hurt.the dotor asked me to sta in bed and have a good rest.so i ask for leave for to das.ang li 篇2: