沪教版英语四年级下册第三单元教学反思( 四 )

考研英语作文范文 subjet: 写上请假字样假条抬头范例如下:
to: peter stone, managerfrom: lnn hen, finanial departmentdate: april 2nd, 201X subjet: asual leave of absene 其次,在您的请假信 peter, i ould like to kno if i ould ask for a asual leave of absene for one da on april 4th, this ednesda.然后,在假条的 我非常抱歉, 由于重感冒和高烧,我无法上今天上午的两节英语课 。附上一份医生证 明,医生说我必须卧床休息几天 。我一恢复就回学校 。敬上 田野 1月10日 例二:
公共英语二级考试作文范文:请假条[题目要求]王军的外婆上星期从楼上摔下来,跌断了右腿,现在卧床 。王军的母亲李 一花 为此向刘老师请假,说明家中的情况,王军的父亲现在北京开会,需要王军在家照顾外 婆,大约3天 。请根据上述提示用英文写一张请假条,约80-100词,不要根据中文翻译写作 文 。dear mr.liu, i’m li jun’s mother.i’m riting to ask for permiion for li jun’s absene.the fat is that he has to sta at home to take are of m mother ho had a serious fall from upstairs and got her right leg broken last eek.i’m sure he ill be bak in three das hen m husband returns from a meeting in beijing.thank ou.sinerel, li ihua 亲爱的刘先生:
我是李军的妈妈 。我写假条来请求您允许李军请假 。事实是, 他必须在家照顾我的妈 妈,她上星期从在楼上摔下,右腿骨折 。我保证三天之后当我的丈夫从北京开会回来,他 就返校 。谢谢 。恳切地,李艺华 例三:
7:30 a.m.dear mr.david,i ver muh regret i as unable to attend shool this morning oing to a severe attak of illne.i am enlosing here ith a ertifiate from the dotor ho is attending me, as he fears it ill be several das before i shall be able to resume m stud.i trust m enfored absene ill
not give ou an serious inonveniene.sinerel ours, peter 亲爱的大卫先生:
我非常遗憾,由于突得重病,我无法上今天上午的课 。附上一份医生证明,他担心在恢 复学习之前还需几天时间 。我相信我迫不得已的缺席不会给您造成任何不便 。敬上, 彼得 上午7点30分例
dear mr.bron, i beg to inform ou that i shall be unable to attend laes tomorro oing to important busine in m famil.i shall be ver muh obliged if ou ill grant me m appliation.xiao mei 亲爱的布朗先生:
我恳切地告知您, 由于家有要事,我无法上明天的课 。如果您准许我请假,我将非常感激 。肖梅例五:
病假条(note asking for sik leave) nov.3rd dear mi smith, i’m reall sorr that i shall not be able to attend la toda.i have aught a serious old.enlosed please find a ertifiate from the dotor ho sas i must sta in bed for to das.i’ll resume m studies as soon as i feel better.sinerel ours, jim 史密斯小姐:
您好!很抱歉我今天不能去上课了 。我患了重感冒,附上一张医生证明,他说我得卧床 两天 。一旦身体好转我便到校上课 。吉姆 11月3日