过大年记叙文怎么写?( 四 )
一说到过大年,就会想到自己与亲人团聚在餐桌边的情景 。而此时此刻,我却在飞机上与亲人一起吃“年夜饭” 。天空是我的`家,那脚下的朵朵白云犹如一把把“雪花凳子”,西下的夕阳好似一簇燃烧未尽的礼花,装点着美丽的晚餐!
腊月廿三是小年夜,过年的气氛就从这天开始蔓延了 。小年夜人们把灶王菩萨请上天,汇报这户人家一年发生的情况,除夕夜那天人们又把灶王菩萨接回来,因此人们形成了这种风俗 。
今年过年的雨雪天气确实不怎么令人高兴,可过年的喜气早已满满地挤进了阴雨的天空 。人们陆陆续续地准备年货,街上的人都提着大包小包的东西急匆匆地往家赶,每个人的脸上都喜笑颜开 。
为了接待亲朋好友上门拜年,我们都会把家的里里外外打扫得干干净净,还会在门上贴上一幅幅春联,祈求好运 。传统的对联是在红纸上写上黑色或金色的联语,比如:鸿运当头万事通,吉星高照全家福 。都是些吉祥的话语 。
腊月廿九就是除夕,这天人们准备辞旧迎新,吃团圆饭 。除夕中午我上奶奶家吃团圆饭,晚上上外婆家吃年夜饭 。吃好年夜饭,最让我高兴地不仅仅是在过年的时候能穿新衣,玩鞭炮,最为重要的是能够收到长辈们给的压岁钱 。因为这学期还是被评为“五星级学生”,爷爷奶奶外公外婆给的依然是老规矩“600元”,要是不努力没达到的话,这个老规矩也跟着掉价了的,所以我一定得努力学习,争取更好的成绩 。
回家的路上,鞭炮声不断地从我们的耳边响起,燃放的烟花可漂亮了,各种各样的形状染满了整个天空,大地一片通明 。看着春节联欢晚会,我和爸爸妈妈一起守岁 。12点的钟声敲响了,在爆竹声中,春节就这样热热闹闹地来临了 。
阅读 记叙文类
A Long time ago, my grandma and grandpa lived in a house with a big front yard.They planted lots of vegetables and flowers in the yard.
They worked hard to keep the garden growing.All summer long, the family ate food from the garden and enjoyed the flowers.
Years paed.It became harder for them to keep up the garden.So they made it a little smaller.
Then one summer Grandpa died.It was a lonely winter for Grandma.It was hard for her to care for the garden alone.When spring came, she planted just a few vegetables and flowers.
One day in the early summer, Grandma heard big noises in the yard.She looked out the window and saw thousands of bees.
What could she do? Should she someone to get rid of the bees? But that would cost more than she could afford.She decided to wait.
Over the next few days, the bees were busy with their own busine.Grandma decided the bees wouldn\\'t bother anyone, so she didn\\'t give them another thought.
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