青年志愿者的自我介绍( 二 )

因此 , 在清楚的明白了秘书部的职责后 , 我会做到:坚决完成任务 , 认真履行职责!充分的发挥秘书部秘书的职责 , 做好学生会干部的人事工作 , 妥善的管理学生会成员的档案资料 , 做到有据可查!
我会紧密的团结在校领导周围 , 为学校学生会的全面建设付出自己应有的职责!希望大家支持我! 谢谢!


Hello, nice to meet you.
My name is xxx.I come from Hebei province.I am a studengt of Nanjing AgriculturalUniversity ,major in ecology.My hobbies are varied from individual to group activities.Such as swimming,running,snooker and so on.
The main reason of applying to be Olympic volunteer of 2008 is that I think this will be my unforgettable and great experience in my whole life.This is the first time to hold the Youth Olympic Games in china, for every Chinese person, this Olympic game is very important and memorable.Besides, Olympic Games will be held in Nanjing.As a citizen of Nanjing, I feel very proud.Although I am only a graduate, I think that I must actively contribute to the Youth Olympic Games.Unnumbered people want to be Olympic volunteers, but they have no opportunities.
I am so lucky that I am a graduate, and I have opportunity to work for Olympic.My heart tells me that I cannot lose this great opportunity.I have geographical conditions that I live in Beijing and I study in Beijing.I have no reason to give up this opportunity to be Olympic volunteer.Furthermore, I can learn and get exercises in many respects, for example, my language skills, communication skills, aociation skills and ability to deal with matters of sudden urgency.
All in all, this experience has great influence on my future life and I have a lot of confidence.


【青年志愿者的自我介绍】大家好 , 我叫齐怀远 , 来自美丽辽阔富饶的内蒙古大草原 , 现就读于中国地质大学(武汉) 。
从小生活的氛围培养出我石头般的性格 , 朴实而又平凡 , 我的爱好动静结合 。运动中喜欢足球 , 擅长长跑 。在足球的奔跑中 , 我体会到在失败面前 , 不会言败;在长跑中 , 我体会到了不要失去信心 , 只要坚持不懈 , 就终会有成果的 。安静的时候我喜欢集邮 , 当时是内蒙古集邮协会年龄最小的会员 , 参加自治区邮展获青少年组第二名 , 集邮让我体会到 , 收藏的价值就在于享受快乐 , 享受快乐妙处无穷:它可以驱除心灵上的痛苦 , 让人感到生活的美好;它可以减轻肉体痛苦 , 令人健康;它可以让人感到轻松活泼而焕发斗志 。所以 , 集邮给了我乐观的生活态度 , 乐观的心态是人生的一大财富 , 它是无价的 。