
除了“I don't care"以外,还有哪些英语短语可以表达我无所谓呢,一起来看看吧~
1.I c百思特网ouldn't care less... 毫不关心,无所谓
I couldn't care less 是我不能关心的更少了,我毫不关心
I couldn't care more则相反,是我非常关心


?I couldn't care less if I fail this course.
这门课挂不挂科我都无所谓 。
?I couldn't care less about the big boss's visit.
我毫不关心大老板的来访 。
2. It doesn't matter to me. 我无所谓
?It doesn't matter to me. I don't care what you do.
无所谓 。我不在乎你做什么 。
?She can just leave. It 百思特网doesn't matter to me.
她可以直接走人 。我无所谓 。
3.I didn't give a damn.【口语】介意、关心、视为重要
?I don't give a damn about m百思特网aking money.
我对赚钱一点兴趣都没有 。
?I haven't give a damn for the show ever since they killed off my favourite character.
自从我最爱的角色被写死了以后,我就对这部剧没兴趣了 。

4. For all I care... 与我无关,关我什么事
=I don't care if (something happens)...
?You can starve to death for all I care.
你就饿死吧,与我无关 。
?For all I care, the whole city council can go to the devil.
整个市议会下地狱我也不在乎 。
5. whatever 无所谓 【用以表示不愿意讨论某事,常暗示不感兴趣】
?I shrugged, "whatever".
我耸了耸肩,“随便” 。