《福尔摩斯》读后感( 四 )

”人非圣贤 , 孰能无过“ , 福尔摩斯说话总带带一股嘲讽的语气 , 他还瞧不起那些智商比他低的伦敦苏格兰场的警员 。他也不是百战百胜的 , 他曾经输给了两位男士和一个女士 , 但这并不影响他在我心中的地们 , 因为他的探案故事经历了一个世纪依然长盛不衰 。
他机智无比 , 在生活中很注意观察细节 , 积累了大量的知识 , 
无论是什么样的疑难杂案 , 他都能够迎刃而解 。而我最为钦佩的还是这一点:他毫不在意办完案子成功后给他的荣誉和财富 , 六十多件他办的案子中有五十多件署名都是警察 , 他只享受其中的过程 , 这是现在许多人做不到的 。
读了福尔摩斯斯的故事 , 我也立志要成为一名侦探 。我向往这个职业 , 就算全世界只有我一个人干这一行 , 就算我无法闻名全世界我也不会放弃 , 因为那是我的理想 。也许有人会笑话我 , 说我”癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉“可我想 , 只要有心 , 什么事情做不成?”只有想当将军的士兵才能成为好士兵“ , ”只有想吃天鹅肉的癞蛤蟆才是好癞蛤蟆“ 。我当即便买了放大镜 , 又借了许多侦探故事书 , 做了许多侦探题目 。现在 , 我也通过蜘丝马迹发现些什么了 , 我相信 , 在不远的将来 , 我也能成为一个名侦探 , 向着我的偶像一步步迈进 。
希望大家都能去看这本书 , 一定会让你受益非浅 。


The feeling after seeing
【《福尔摩斯》读后感】Have you seen the Japanese cartoon film Detective Conan? Have you enjoyed it? Maybe you don’t like it ,but I like it !I like mysterious things so much.Now ,you must gue the bookI have seen is Conan .But I selected Holmes Stories instead of it because of many reasons.
I just read some stories during this week.As the saying goes “W ell begun, half done”.At the beginning of this book ,just like many other detective stories ,the author gives us a brief description of the condition .I think it is considerate and attractive.It can arouse my interest and stimulate me read it completely.
To my impreed ,the stories some of it is about a case concerning the Duke’s miing son .Arthur, the Duke’s son, was disappeared in a morning.What’s worse, the German teacher was miing also.The school master turned to Sherlock Holmes for help.Then, he invested carefully the entire place.Finally, the case was coped with very fast by his cleverne.It’s so perfect of his performance in this section! Having once started reading this fiction, I was completely absorbed in mysterious story presented by this book.