高中生短文英语演讲稿怎么写?( 五 )

【高中生短文英语演讲稿怎么写?】前几天,我在一份杂志上看到一则这样的故事:一群年轻人到处寻找快乐,却遇到许多烦恼,忧愁和痛苦 。他们向苏格拉底请教,快乐到底在哪里?苏格拉底没有立即给他们答案,而是让他们先帮助造一艘船 。这帮年轻人暂时把寻找快乐的事儿放到一边,开始这项工作 。他们花了很长时间锯倒了一棵又高又大的树,挖空树心,造出了一条独木船 。独木船下水了,他们一边合力荡浆,一边齐声快乐的唱起歌来 。
苏格拉底问:“孩子们,你们快乐吗?”他们齐声回答:“快乐极了!”苏格拉底道:“快乐就是这样,它往往在你为着一个明确的目的忙的无暇顾及其他的时候突然来访 。”
从这个故事当中我知道了,快乐隐藏在你用心做的每一件小事当中,通过我们的努力和创造,才能得到快乐 。
它还告诉我们,在生活中和追求快乐的过程中,可能无法避免会遇到一些痛苦,人们往往把快乐建立在对物质的追求上,像一辆新车,新衣服,等等 。但真正意义上的快乐应该是从精神上得到的 。为什么不把痛苦锤炼成对生命的赞扬,把眼泪作为心灵的灯盏呢?只有这样才会真正寻找到快乐,一展生命中灿烂的光泽!
高中学生英语演讲稿smile for life英语风采大赛演讲赏析三
smile for lifefirst, ladies and gentlemen, please look at my face.do you know whati’m doing? yes, quite right, i’m smiling. i like smiling, because it makes me more confident and more popular. don’t you think it important?can you imagine a world without smiles? can you bear seeing sad faceshere and there? what a gloomy world it would without smiles!but people sometimes overlook the importance of smiling since it is sosimple.it seems that people are always in such a hurry for their ownsome people even want to be harry porter to learn the magic spell ofhappine. now and here i should that, ladies and gentlemen, every one of us knowsexactly well what the spell actually is and the spell is so simple andjust at hand.what is it? that’s smile. smile is such a magic spell.it is a kind of emotional contact.it makesother better and it makes the love between lovers deeper. smile is such a magic spell.it’s also a kind of encouragement.it makespeople feel warm in ice and snow.it gives thirsty people power to walk onin desperate situations. so please remember ‘smile & make your life brighter’ and smile for life. every time you smile you give yourself a perfect chance to enjoy life. every time you smile, you bring the brilliant sunshine to the whole worldaround you as well as to yourself. nike tells us just do it.so i will say: just smile it. 为生活微笑