
首先非常感谢您在百忙之中阅览我的简历 , 给我一个施展自己抱负的机会和平台 。
我是来自成都农业科技职业学院的一名即将毕业的大学生 , 在大学三年里 , 我学的专业是会计与审计 , 从大一进校起 , 我就努力学习会计专业知识 , 并积极的考取职业资格证书和职称 , 现已考取会计从业资格证、中级会计电算化证和助理会计师职称 。在一定程度上理解和掌握了这一领域相联系知识 。但仍需要加强更多的工作经验 。
虽然我是一名专科生 , 但我在参加川师的社会工作与管理专业的自考本科 , 以拓宽和提高自身的文化知识水平 , 预计20xx年7月毕业 。
在学校期间 , 我在我分院担任分团委纪检部的部长一职 , 经过日常工作的锻炼 , 有较强的人际交往能力和办事能力 , 善于行政管理工作 。在学习上 , 连续获得三次“一等奖学金” , 有很强的学习能力和适应能力 。相信在今后的岗位上能很快适应工作环境和工作内容 。
我性格开朗并成稳 , 做事踏实认真负责 , 对于每一份工作内容都会认真对待 , 按时完成 , 也喜欢总结经验 , 并进行创新 , 以提高工作效率和效果 。我希望通过自身的努力和他人的合作 , 为公司创造佳绩 。
希望各位领导能对我予以考虑 。并希望贵公司的发展越来越好!


dear leaders:
thank you for your busy schedule to take time to read my job search materials. _ i am a foreign language teachers college department of english, a professional undergraduate graduates. screen job-seekers, i am a positive and pragmatic attitude i wish to apply to you, your school would like to join the vitality of this piece of land, with my school, from as far as i can.
teachers in school leadership and guidance, i tried to learn professional knowledge, professional skills training, professional standards have improved each year and will be received in july this year the professional bachelor's degree in english. at the same time, i have a good examination results through the teacher, the national english public cet, the national putonghua examination and the national computer ii, the provincial level computer examination. i was able to skillfully use related to english teaching english teaching methods and the use of english for ease of listening, speaking, reading and writing. i am good at speeches, the department of the debate team is a member of the learn to participate actively in the department of speech and won the third race the department of english speech. i am well aware that "工欲善其事, prerequisite of its browser," the face of such severe competition, a certain degree of work experience is very important. in recent years, home and marketing the work done so that i benefited. let me do the consolidation of a tutor expertise with parents and learn how to communicate and children; for mobile marketing business training company of my eloquence, spirit and tradition of hard work to broaden my network of relationships. i would like, through which the experience derived from the work for me no matter what kind of work are very useful.