英语自荐信格式怎么样?( 三 )

since 1981 i have been responsible for all office details in the administration of sales,including writing much of the correspondence.in the course of my work,i have become familiar with the various sales territories,and have also in my spare time experience of handling business problems other than my proper sphere.
the years before i was employed at the new world,i was a secretary for long brother,an accounting firm.there i became familiar with accounting terms and procedures.
i was graduated at wah yan college, in june 1974. i am twenty-five years of age and single.
i am leaving my present position because i can use my capabilities more fully in a position with wider scope. my present employer knows of my ambition and is helping me to find a new place.
may i see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well i can do the work you require.
yours faithfully


自荐信 , 系指由求职者向招聘者或招聘单位所提交的一种信函 。文凭是对你的学历的冷冰冰的证明;简历 , 强调一种客观性的格式化和程序化的事实陈列 。而自荐信则可以而且也有必要是个性化和略带感性化的个人陈述 。所以在应聘时 , 您最好先亮出您的自荐信 。首先 , 在写自荐信之前 , 有必要明确自荐信所要达到的效果:让招聘者对您的信件过目难忘 , 或不忍释手;让人立刻明白并且相信您不是一位盲目的求职者 , 您所寻找的的确是一种机遇 。其次 , 明确自荐信所应包括的内容 。大致可分为:申请求职之背景;个人专业强项与技能优势、求职与事业发展动机与目的、其它一些在个人简历中不便陈述的内容 。自荐信没有固定的格式 。对于不同的公司 , 你无法不送上相同的简历 , 但你最好不要送上相同的自荐信 。求职应聘其实堪称一种公平的竞技 , 招聘单位给求职者足够的机会通过自荐信的方式展示自己 , 聪明的求职者常常是撰写自荐信的行家 , 他们知道招聘单位在茫茫人海中真正在寻找什么 。一封成功的求职信是求职路上的好帮手 , 然而要写得好 , 并非是一件容易的事 。绝大多数的信函一如儿时的连环画 , 随着时间流逝从记忆中淡出 。然而个别的求职信函却有如优美的曲子 , 时时萦绕在心头 。一份好的求职信 , 能使招聘者感觉到:一种积极的人生;一种坦诚的态度 , 一双作为队友的有力的手 。
每一位教师犹如人梯 , 为成就攀登者而牺牲自己;犹如露珠 , 滋润着吐艳的花果 。现在 , 我马上就要从一名受教者转为一名施教者 , 而十六年的求学使我深刻体会到了作为一名人民教师的神圣职责 , 因此 , 我将以满腔的热情 , 百倍的信心 , 投入到我所喜爱的教育事业中去 。