
【给父母的英语感谢信】dear mom,
thank you for bringing me to this world! during the 20 years,you have done a lot for me,but suddenly i find that i have never stopped and said to you how much i feel the need to thank you!now, mother's day is on the way,i wish to express my thanks to you.
first of all ,thank you for giving me my life!if you have not had me, i won't be able to see the beautiful world! you let me know how precious life is!you give the chance for me to know the people who love me and loved by me! thank you, mom!you are the best person in the world!i want to say,i love you!
secondly,thank you for bringing me up!with your great care,i grow healthly and strong!when i was ill,you always took time off from work to look after me!how worried you were!i know,that's your love for me!but when you were ill,i find that i never looked after you!when i think about this,i feel very ashamed!sorry,mom,i should take care of you like a son shoule be doing!besides,mum,do you know that you are such a terrific cook!i enjoy the years of eating your good cooking,the equal of which i had not found ever. mom,i want to say,i love you!
lastly,thank you for teaching me how to be a human!i learned to tell the truth,to share,and to be forgiving and considerate of others.so i have a lot of friends and have a happy life!thank you,mom!i love you!
love from,
转眼间,我已经是一个12岁的女孩了 。xx年,漫长,但又短暂 。我就是在这xx年中,从一个眼泪直流的小婴儿,渐渐变成一个中学生的 。对于你们的爱和关怀,是说不完道不尽的 。
“父爱如山,母爱似水”,大多父母都是这样吧,你们跟他们,没有太大的区别 。也许,在众多的人中,你们是最普通的,普通到不能轻易地从人流中分辨 。但对于我,还有妹妹,你们却是唯一,我相信对于你们,我和妹妹也是如此……
而厌烦,甚至抵触 。可我希望你们能理解,处于所谓“青春期”的我们,因为生理、心理的迅速发展,难免过度的自尊,也不希望被别人呼来唤去 。我也相信,你们可以理解,毕竟,每个成年人都经历过这样的时期 。在这里,我也为我以前对你们的不礼貌说一声“sorry”,我知道,你们是为了我好 。
我不会亲昵地钻入你们的怀抱,可我会与你们向朋友一般的促膝长谈,谈未来的理想,达到理想的方法 。其实,这些朴实,就是你们对我爱的证明 。
十四年前的某一天,您忙前忙后只为一个小生命的诞生 。今天我已是一个中学生,这是四年中的点点滴滴我都铭记着 。