母亲节的作文1100字范文有没有?( 四 )

孩子两岁多了,我和婆婆也相处了两年有余,感情也日渐升温 。婆婆对我的好甚至超过了亲妈,在我的心底,婆婆的角色早已转化为妈妈 。婆婆没有女儿,她一直拿我当女儿待 。周五晚等儿子回家大概是婆婆最幸福的时刻,婆婆总是早早地包好水饺,不时地透过窗户向楼下张望 。尽管婆婆对儿子疼爱有加,但在我这个儿媳妇面前一点也看不出差别,好吃的总是先分给我 。
婆婆性格内向,加上晕车甚至晕电梯,除了偶尔下楼哄宝宝玩玩,几乎从来不出去逛街,更别提买衣服了 。婆婆生活节俭,就怕我们给她花钱,共处了这么长时间,还从没记得婆婆向我们要求过什么,给她的零花钱到年底经常是一分都不舍得花掉 。每次给婆婆买衣服都得遭她数落,后来索性不敢跟她说实价 。有一次陪婆婆镶了几颗烤瓷牙,老人家心疼的念叨了一个月 。最让人受不了的是身体不舒服了也硬撑着不去医院,直到被我们发现硬逼着才去 。
婆婆不但节俭,而且从不发火,说话办事总是先考虑别人,所以我们从来没有拌过嘴、红过脸,相处的日子充满了喜悦和欢笑 。没事的时候,婆婆总会给我讲她以前的穷日子以及村子里发生过的大大小小的事情,她还会常常站在窗边静静地向外观望,她会第一时间告诉我哪家娶新媳妇了,哪家生小宝宝了(通过人家阳台上晾晒的衣服做出的推断),或者哪家有人去世了等等 。每次我上班一走,家里就只剩下婆婆和一个呀呀学语的小娃娃,在这个陌生的城市里,婆婆的孤独可谓分分秒秒 。


"the most beautiful sound in the mother\\'s voice is" i think this sentence to write the true.a mother\\'s love is like spring constant moistens our these sons and daughters.mother take care of me is meticulous, both in life and study you encourage me, let me strong to overcome the difficulties.so, the mother\\'s love is the greatest.once when, you all day, do breakfast for me, send me to school...every night, you are like a patron saint guardian beside me, care me.so, the mother\\'s love is the greatest.
the study of who can be, i fell, i sad like fall into the bottomle aby, again remind of you night and day accompany with me to learn, how much i blame myself sneakingly! back home, i lose hope, afraid you hit me, scold me.but, you don\\'t do that, instead of encouraging me, let me try again, don\\'t lose heart.is you, let me work out this terrible knot; is you, let me brave to challenge myself.is you, let me become strong again.so, the mother\\'s love is the greatest.
once, when i have a fever sick, dad is not at home, you look at a thermometer rise rapidly, and his sweat was like off line of beads from you on the forehead, you worry like a cat on hot bricks, quickly put on my back, give me the first people\\'s hospital.looking at your body sweat, i can\\'t help but moved.play a little, i found that your eyebrows again three crow\\'s feet.so, the mother\\'s love is the greatest.