
在我的成长中,经历过了许多事情,唯有一件事,让我难忘已久 。
那是在一个风和日丽的星期六 。我到学校里参加全国小学生英语决赛 。在出门前,我仔细地检查老师要求我们带的水彩笔、铅笔,圆珠笔和准考证 。
来到了学校,我找好班级并且按老师的安排找好位置坐了下来 。在考试前,我把笔和准考证放在桌面,并仔细地回忆老师前一段时间给我们所讲的内容 。
发试卷了,我拿着试卷,数了一数,哇噻!总共有12页,这么多呀!于是,我怀着一颗怦怦的心认真地答起卷来 。做完听力部分后,我觉得这份卷还挺容易的嘛!于是,我在心里暗暗地鼓励自己快速地写完 。差不多写完了,题还挺简单的,可是当我写到一道智力测试题时,便愣住了:这道题好像在考试复习前老师给我们温习过的,可我就是记不起来,真糟糕!我便努力地回想着老师考试前给我们讲过的内容 。“哦”我想起来了 。我便把我想到的答案写上去 。答完试卷后,我便认认真真的把试卷给检查了一遍 。
要收试卷了,老师把一张张试卷收起来 。我在回想着刚才答卷的情景,真是“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”啊!
过了一两个星期后,成绩终于出来了 。我很荣幸获得了三等奖,虽然我比不上一二等奖的同学,但是,我已经心满意足了 。因为我已经尽力去做了 。


Succeed in Online Education1.网络学习中的成功要素; 2.你的做法 。
Distance education to its advantages for originally depreing study life add color, which changed the traditional teaching of the relationship between the teachers, make both easy to create more of mutual learning to learn or relationship, and also for distance teaching students cooperation to provide a broad space and a variety of poible, make personalized study to become a reality.We can be independent, self-help engage in learning activities, according to self situation arrangement study, and can communicate with each other through, collective participation in realize cooperation study, and in the cooperation of learning interests and improve the learning efficiency, through the contribution wisdom, share, and then learn to modern distance education cooperation, can help to break the cut off time and space, make full use of high quality resources, to develop the large-scale high level of education.Broad caliber teaching method of great widened our knowledge, and we can choose on their own interest and specialty courses, truly satisfy the students\\' individual development needs.
你应邀到一位好友家吃晚饭 。事后给朋友写信表示谢意 。你的信应包括下列内容: 1.表达谢意;
2.表达想回请的意愿; 3.期待朋友的光临 。Dear LI: