英语考试英语作文怎么写?( 二 )

Thank you for the dinner yesterday, very delicious.Especially the way beef and potato stewed reminds me of my mom\\'s taste.Your wife craft is very good, you have the choice at home every day.Weekend time? I\\'d like to invite you and your wife to my home.Please bring your lovely child, he is so sweet and lovely, I now in the want to him.Please answer my letter to attach a your family love to eat vegetables, I very much hope that you can come and had fun in this wonderful night
Your friend: SU
My Favorite Season 1.你最喜欢的季节
Summer is my favorite season.After spring, summer arrives lightly.She wants to show everyone that she is the best season of the year.
I love the flowers of summer.Thousands of beautiful flowers come together so that they are boring on the gra.
I love the fruits of summer even more.Peach, mango, grapes, strawberry, watermelon and all kinds of delicious fruits make me feel cool and refreshed.
1 I love the sports of summer most.Because there is a Olympic Games in this summer.There is a lot of games: football, basketball, badminton, and so on.We oh so looking TV of the Olympic Games.
Ah, Summer.You always warm my heart with your sun, cool my senses with your fruits, and fill my eyes with your beautiful flowers.I love you, summer!
My Hobbies 1.介绍你的主要爱好;
2.喜欢其中一项爱好的理由 。
Just as lots of teenagers teke to pop music, I love basketball because it’s part of my life.I began to paly basketball in my childhood.I still remember the good old days when I played with my clamates after school.Later on ,as I grew up ,almost everything changed except that love of playing basketball remined and it even grew stronger .I love this sport because it bings joys and health to my life.When I got tired after office work, I went to the sports ground and felt refreshed.If there were worries and cares from daily life , I went to the sports ground, there everything went away except basketball.In sum , it is basketball that keeps me in good shape and mood.
Why I Study English 1.你学习英语的主要理由;
As everyone knows,English is very important today.There is an increasing number ofpeople learning English, for they believe good English will increase their chance to succeed .But for myself ,I learn English not only because of its importance and its usefulne, but also because of my love for it .When I learn English, I also learn a different way of thinking .English books and English news from the world open several doors for me to know this world better , which is really interesting to me .I hope one day I can use English freely .With my good English ,I can make friends with many people from different countries.What’s more important,I can use it to introduce my country to the English-speaking people.
“今天要发昨天考的英语试卷!!”不知道谁这么吆喝了一声,教室里的氛围顿时紧张了起来 。终于到第四节英语课了,课代表组织读课文,平日里的那些调皮捣蛋的同学仿佛也有点害怕,也跟着小声读了起来,不一会儿,英语老师就来了,只见英语老师手里拿着一卷卷白色的试卷,面部毫无表情,看这情况,这次英语一定考的不怎么样,于是,同学们更加大声的读了起来,读了一遍又一遍,英语老师也没有要停的意思,课代表只好一次又一次地领读,读了好久,两个课代表拿着试卷回到座位上去了,这代表着马上就要发卷了,果真,一张张试卷被发了下来,仿佛一个个白色妖魔正尖叫着扑向同学们,每个人的脸上都写满了严肃和沉重,终于看到了自己的分数,我的心都揪了起来,这怎么能是我的分数呢?哎,看过了试卷,老师让同学把卷子收上去了,刚收完,语文老师就来到了教室,自然也看到了我们的分数,这可把语文老师气得不轻,把我们的分数念了一遍,并为我们制定了详细的“英语复习计划” 。明天,月考又在等着我们,希望这次月考能够顺利吧,但我知道,这一切还是要靠自己 。