租房协议书合同如何写?( 七 )

6、因不可抗力因素导致协议无法履行的,协议终止 。
甲方应保证租赁房屋本身及附属设施、物品处于能够正常使用状态 。
(1)、双头天燃气炉灶壹台 。
(2)、家具:电脑桌壹张、双人床壹张、单人床壹张、上下床壹张 。
2、乙方应于协议期届满日时,将承租房屋及附属设施、设备完好交还甲方 。
3、乙方交还甲方房屋应当保持房屋及设施、物品的完好状态,不得留存物品或影响房屋的正常使用 。对未经同意留存的
物品,甲方有权处置 。
1、乙方如逾期支付租金,每逾期一日,则乙方须按日租金的3 倍支付滞纳金 。
2、协议期满,乙方应如期交还该房屋 。乙方逾期归还,则每逾期一日应向甲方支付原日租金 3倍的滞纳金 。乙方还应承
担因逾期归还给甲方造成的损失 。
1、因不可抗力原因致使本合同不能继续履行或造成的损失,甲、乙双方互不承担责任 。
2、因国家政策需要拆除或改造已租赁的房屋,使甲、乙双方造成损失的,互不承担责任 。
3、因上述原因而终止合同的,租金按照实际使用时间计算,不足整月的按天数计算多退少补 。
4、不可抗力系指“不能预见、不能避免并不能克服的客观情况” 。
第十三条、本协议自双方签(章)后生效 。
第十四条、本协议一式二份,由甲、乙双方各执一份 。
甲方: 乙方:
年 月 日
Party A (the leor):
Party B (the leee):
According to the housing rental law, both parties signed the lease agreement:
First, housing location, uses and living personnel
1, Party A will be Zhengzhou City No.4 layer of the 8 sets of residential rental to Party B as residential use.
2, Party A Party B agreed to the following personnel in the living together:
(1) name and identity card number
(1) name and identity card number
(1) name and identity card number
Second, the term of the lease
The term of one year, from year month day year month date to.
Third, rental and means of payment
1, electricity, water,gas, and other facilities produced by Party B using the cost (including the day indoor gas pipeline maintenance fee
2, government, community groups, residents of the administrative expenses (including garbage freight, street corridor cost sharing fees, public sewer dredging cost sharing costs etc.).
3, the cost of Party B in time,pay the full, if there are errors, causing trouble, Party B shall solve.If Party A to help solve, Party B shall pay a The neceary expenses.All payment receipt please B to save for future reference to.
Attached: meter base ___________; water base ___________; gas base ______________; Fifth, rights, safety, the neighborhood relations