租房协议书合同如何写?( 九 )

4, if Party B needs to continue leasing should be a month before the expiration of the agreement proposed in, both parties, according to a new national policies, regulations of the rental agreement negotiation at.
5, in agreement with the expiration of the lease, the new protocol has not signed the circumstances, Party A will recover the house, no longer contract renewal.
Eighth, change, diolution and termination of contract
The lease period, Party B has one of the following acts, Party A has the right to terminate the contract, recover the rental housing
1, breach of protocol fifth (2, 4) in terms of.
2, the use of leased housing the storage of dangerous goods or illegal activity.
3, if it fails to pay the fee shall be paid by Party B according to the agreement, has caused serious damages to Party A
4, rent arrears accumulated more than one month.
5, the agreement expires when the natural termination of agreement.
6, the absence of force majeure factors lead to agreement cannot be performed, the termination of the agreement.
Ninth, housing delivery and recovery of acceptance
Party A shall ensure that rental housing and ancillary facilities, goods used in a normal state.1, Party A Party B to provide goods:
(1), double gas stove first.
(2): computer desk, furniture, double bed, a piece of one single bed, on the bed of a piece of a piece of.
2, Party B should be in agreement expiry date, will be leased housing and ancillary facilities, equipment in good condition to Party A.
3 Party B shall return to Party A, housing should be housing and facilities, the condition of the goods, shall be retained items or affect the normal use of the house.The retained without consent Goods, Party A has the right to handle.
Tenth, the liability for breach of contract
1, if Party B fails to pay the rent, each day overdue, Party B shall be 3 times the rent to pay the fines.
2, the expiration of the agreement, Party B shall be as


1、甲方将位于房屋出租给乙方居住使用,租赁期限自年月日至年月日 。
2、本房屋月租金为元,按年度结算 。每年度乙方须提前天向甲方支付租金 。乙方不得以任何借口拖欠,否则甲方有权停租并终止合同收回房屋 。乙方应付给甲方押金元,作为房屋内部设施水费电费燃气费等综合保证金 。等租期圆满结清所有费用后,甲方将押金如数退还给乙方 。
3、乙方租赁期间,水费、电费、以及其它由乙方居住而产生的费用由乙方负担 。
租赁结束时,乙方须交清欠费 。
4、租赁期满后,如乙方要求继续租赁,则须提前向甲方提出,甲方收到乙方要求后答复 。如同意继续租赁,则续签租赁合同 。
5、租赁期间,任何一方提出终止合同,需提前一个月通知对方,经双方协商后签订终止合同书 。乙方在租赁期限期间不得私自转租转借 。若一方强行中止合同,须向另一方支付一个月房租作为违约金 。