姐姐的作文如何写?( 三 )

我非常喜欢我的姐姐,我希望姐姐长大了成为体育明星 。


姐姐高头大马,一站出来就气势非凡,可别想欺负我,她的拳头会让你后悔 。姐姐不爱吃亏,你打她,她肯定还给你一拳,打来打去的过程,她还会说:“我又没有打这么大力 。”
姐姐是个才女,允文允武,钢琴弹的很好,也爱看爱情小说,只要看到她在练琴或是看书,最好四周都静寂无声,千万不要打扰她 。
姐姐的鞋子是她的宝贝,胆敢不小心踩到,她会毫不客气的用力回踩,嚷着:“踩黑你要负责 。”可是她的鞋子就是黑色的啊 。
姐姐不爱运动,要是你想去运动的话,就不必费神约她了 。


the table below shows the sales made by a coffee shop on an office building on a typical weekday.
summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.if
timecoffeeteapastriessandwiches 730-103026511027550 1030-2301855095100 230-5301453515040 530-8302007580110
The sales made by this coffee shop illustrate a very distinguishable feature as below.From the table, we can easily see that the drinks and pastries sold have a selling peak during early morning and afternoon while the sandwiches sold are mainly focused on lunch and supper time.Beside this, the best selling item is coffee which counts up to almost half of the total selling number of the stock per day.Comparing to tea, both of coffee and tea have a well selling time in the morning and after 5:30.However, coffee has a second selling peak around 10:30 to 2:30 and the sales last to 8:30 with a relatively stable selling number per hour.On contrast, the situation between pastries and sandwiches sold are different from coffee and tea.The table shows that the pastries has a better selling time at 7:30 to 10:30 and 2:30 to 5:30 than sandwiches and the sales of sandwiches are in opposite compare to pastries.To sum up, coffee is the daily best selling item and people usually pair up coffee and pastries then buy them together.Also, the sandwiches have a good sale during lunch and supper time.


“卖火柴的姐姐你好!当我知道了你的悲惨厄运后,不由得为你哭泣!你在大年夜中还要卖火柴,这是多么让我难以自信!想想我:在大年夜中可以得到令我垂涎欲滴的丰盛佳肴;可以得到令人眼饱口福的漂亮新衣,可以看让人捧腹大笑的春节联欢晚会!多么幸福呀!可是您呢,却要在我们开心的时候,祈求我们买你的一根火柴吧!如果您卖不了一根火柴定要受到父母的挨打 。由此可想这看似风平浪静的资本主义社会的凄惨一幕 。”