成功需要放弃作文怎么写?( 二 )

What needs to be emphasized rather than overlooked here is that more and more people become mental patients in hospital nowadays .People have already too much preure .There is no denying an obvious fact that enemies would increase stre and anxiety.And morever, If you want to get earnest advices and enterprises in society, you can also get them from ingenuous and succeful friends including your companies or competitiors.
According to be comprehensive discuion above friends, are the most valuable wealth in our entire life .If you want to be succeful people in happine, you should have many good friends as good examples, learning from their advantages .If you want to be succeful
man in sadne, who are damaging both physically and spiritually ,you can keep on establishing enemies.


一年有四个季节 , 分别是春、夏、秋、冬 。大家最喜欢的是春天 , 所以今天我要和你们一块儿再看看春天 。
我们先看看春天的图片 , 图上有一个大门 , 大门上长着绿色植物 , 植物上绽开着一束束、一串串的鲜花 , 在阳光的照耀下显得瑰丽无比 。图片上的水清澈见底 , 有小鱼在嬉戏 , 水中有一个圆盘 , 圆盘上有植物 , 旁边有莲花围成的圆圈 。
看完了图片上的春天 , 再看看洛阳的春天 。洛浦公园的春天非常美丽 , 有粉红的桃花 , 有绿油油的草地 , 还有河边的嫩柳 , 像一位小姑娘在梳理自己的头发 。小鸟在枝头歌唱 , 风儿伴着舞 , 人们在树下悠闲的散着步 。
【成功需要放弃作文怎么写?】多么美的春天呀! , 我真喜欢春天 。